- Vail A. Kaufman
- Vail A. Kaufman, P.a.
- 8955 Edmonston Rd Ste A
- Greenbelt, MD 20770
- (877) 874-6065
- (301) 513-0434
- http://www.vkaufmanlaw.com
Area Practice
- Personal Injury
- Automobile Accidents and Injuries
- Wrongful Death
- Slip and Fall
- Premises Liability
- Head Injury
- Neck Injury
- School Bus Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Trucking Accidents
- Whiplash
- Animal Attacks
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Child Support
- Premarital Agreements
- Domestic Violence
- Protective Orders
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Visitation Rights
- Fathers Rights
- Separation Agreements
- Criminal Law
- Traffic Violations
- Assault and Battery
- Drug Crimes
- Misdemeanors
- Theft
- Shoplifting
Law School Attended:
University of Maryland
Class of 1979
University Attended:
Earlham College
Class of 1975
Prince George's County Bar Association
The Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Maryland Trial Lawyers Association.
Additional Info