- Torree J. Breen
- Willingham & Coté, P.c.
- University Place, 333 Albert Avenue, Suite 500,
- East Lansing, MI 48823
Area Practice
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Litigation
- Insurance Defense
- Adoptions
- Agency Adoptions
- Alimony
- Annulment
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Advocacy
- Child Care
- Child Custody
- Child Custody Mediation
- Child Dependency
- Child Protection
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Child Support
- Child Welfare
- Childrens Rights
- Civil Unions
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Collaborative Family Law
- Community Property Law
- Day Care
- Divorce Arbitration
- Divorce Mediation
- Divorce Taxation
- Domestic Partnerships
- Domestic Relations
- Domestic Torts
- Domestic Violence
- Equitable Distribution
- Family Arbitration
- Family Mediation
- Fathers Rights
- Foster Care
- Gay and Lesbian Family Law
- Grandparents Custody
- Grandparents Visitation Rights
- Independent Adoptions
- Interstate Adoptions
- Interstate Child Custody
- Interstate Support
- Juvenile Dependency
- Juvenile Law
- Legal Separation
- Marital Agreements
- Marital Property Distribution
- Marital Property Law
- Marital Property Settlements
- Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law
- Matrimonial Law
- Name Changes
- No Fault Divorce
- Non-Traditional Family Law
- Orphans Court Practice
- Palimony
- Parental Rights
- Parenting Time
- Paternity
- Post Divorce Modification
- Post Nuptial Agreements
- Premarital Agreements
- Private Adoptions
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
- Restraining Orders
- Same Sex Marriage
- Spousal Support
- Step Parent Adoptions
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Third Party Custody
- Uncontested Divorce
- Visitation Rights
- Guardianship and Conservatorship
- Adult Guardianship
- Advance Directives
- Conservatorship
- Dependent Adult Abuse
- Elder Guardianship
- Guardian Ad Litem
- Guardianship
- Incompetency Proceedings
- Guardianship Administration
- Mental Disability Law
- Housing Law
- Affordable Housing
- Apartment Projects
- Fair Housing
- Housing Development
- Housing Discrimination
- Housing Finance
- Low Income Housing
- Multi-Family Housing
- Public Housing
- Senior Citizen Housing
- Subsidized Housing
Law School Attended:
Michigan State University, College of Law
Class of 2000
cum laude
University Attended:
Alma College
Class of 1997
B.A. magna cum laude
Ingham County Bar Association (Former Board Member and President, Young Lawyers Section)
State Bar of Michigan.
Additional Info