- Todd W. Rogers
- Gast Johnson & Muffly Pc
- 323 S College Ave Ste 1
- Fort Collins, CO 80524
- (970) 692-5885
- (970) 482-3038
- http://www.myattbrandesgast.com
Area Practice
- Business Law
- Real Estate
- Litigation
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Business Transactions
- Appellate Practice
- Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate
- Construction Law
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Arbitration
- Corporate Law
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Partnership Law
- Receivership
- Eminent Domain
- Homeowners Association Law
- Employment Law
- Easements
- Real Estate Title Insurance
Law School Attended:
University of Colorado
Class of 1988
University Attended:
Colorado College
Class of 1985
Larimer County and Colorado Bar Associations.
Additional Info
["Position","Special Counsel"]