- Todd V. McMurtry
- Hemmer Defrank Wessels Pllc
- 250 Grandview Dr Ste 500
- Ft Mitchell, KY 41017
- (859) 344-1188
- (859) 578-3869
- http://www.hemmerlaw.com
Area Practice
- Business Litigation
- Banking
- Real Estate
- Construction
- Municipal Law
- Civil Litigation
- Local Government
- Construction/Public Contract
- Administrative Law
- Business and Tax Law
- Construction Law
- Government Law
- Litigation
- Mediation
Law School Attended:
Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Class of 1987
University Attended:
Centre College, Danville, Kentucky
Class of 1984
Kentucky, Ohio State, Northern Kentucky and American Bar Associations
Salmon P. Chase Inn of Court.
Additional Info