- Thomas J. Kanyock, Esq.
- Schwartz & Kanyock, Llc
- 33 N Dearborn St Ste 2330
- Chicago, IL 60602
Area Practice
- Construction
- Aviation
- Transportation Litigation
- Commercial Disputes
- Insurance Coverage
- Chancery and Equitable Remedies
- Condominium Law
- Employment
- Premises Liability
- Products Liability
- Municipal Liability
- Environmental and Industrial Chemical Exposure
- Mass Torts
- Section 1983 Claims
- Banks and Banking
- Bank Foreclosures
- Lender Liability
- Banking Litigation
- Commercial Loans
- Consumer Banking
- Confession Judgment
- Confession of Judgments
- Bankruptcy
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Business Arbitration
- Business Associations Law
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Formation
- Business Litigation
- Business Mediation
- Business Organization
- Business Torts
- Business Transactions
- Business Transfers
- Business Valuation
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Closely Held Business Law
- Complex Business Litigation
- Joint Ventures
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Bad Faith
- Commercial Fraud
- Commercial Liability
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Torts
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- Negotiable Instruments
- Sale of Goods
- Closely Held Corporations
- Corporate Commercial Law
- Corporate Contracts
- Corporate Control Contests
- Corporate Litigation
- Corporate Organization
- Corporate Partnerships
- Professional Corporations
- S Corporations
- Small Business Corporations
- Creditors Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Remedies
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Unsecured Creditors Rights
- Commercial Collections
- Garnishments
- Post Judgment Collections
- Professional Collections
- Secured Collections
- Unsecured Collections
- Financial Fraud
- Financial Fraud Recovery
- Civil Fraud
- Adverse Possession
- Condominium Association Law
- Conveyancing
- Quiet Title
- Land Use Litigation
- Zoning Law
- Zoning Variances
- Commercial Real Estate Law
- Commercial Real Estate Arbitration
- Commercial Real Estate Banking Law
- Commercial Real Estate Collections
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure
- Commercial Real Estate Fraud
- Commercial Real Estate Joint Ventures
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Mediation
- Commercial Real Estate Partnerships
- Commercial Real Estate Sales
- Commercial Real Estate Title
- Commercial Real Estate Valuation
Law School Attended:
IIT/Kent College Of Law
American Jurisprudence Award for Remedies, Class Award for Advanced Trial Advocacy
University Attended:
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Class of 1985
Illinois State Bar Association
Chicago Bar Association.
Additional Info
["Position","Of Counsel"]