- Steven J. Bradford
- Bradford Law Office
- 127 W Berry St Ste 1100
- Fort Wayne, IN 46802
- (260) 440-7238
- (260) 422-3001
- http://www.sbradfordlaw.com
Area Practice
- Creditors Bankruptcy
- Creditors Rights
- Business Law
- Corporate Law
- Secured Transactions
- Real Estate
- Banking Law
- Foreclosures
- Collections
- Commercial Law
- Repossessions
- Commercial Litigation
- Business Litigation
Law School Attended:
Valparaiso University School of Law
Class of 2001
Honors Program, cum laude
University Attended:
Minot State University
Class of 1997
cum laude
Allen County (Chairperson, Law Library Committee, 2006-2008
Member, Sections on: Bankruptcy
Creditors' Rights
Collections), Indiana State and American Bar Associations
Benjamin Harrison American Inn of Court (Barrister).
Additional Info