- Stephen P. Natwick
- Ingram, Zelasko & Goodwin, Llp
- 120 E 1st St
- Aberdeen, WA 98520
Area Practice
- Business Law
- Banking
- Corporations
- LLCs
- Contracts
- Agreements
- Sale/Transfer of Business
- Estate Planning
- Wills
- Trusts
- Health Care Directives
- Powers of Attorney
- Elder Law
- Probates and Guardianships
- Real Estate Law
- Landlord/Tenant
- Foreclosures and Forfeitures
- Agreements and Contracts
Law School Attended:
Seattle University College of Law, formerly University of Puget Sound Law School, Tacoma, WA
Class of 1988
Juris Doctorate
University Attended:
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA
Class of 1982
Bachelor of Business Administration
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA
Class of 1982
Bachelor of Arts
Grays Harbor and Washington State.
Additional Info