- Robert L. Neeley
- Neeley & Neeley, Attorneys At Law
- 2485 Grant Ave Ste 200
- Hooper, UT 84401
Area Practice
- Family Law
- Juvenile Law
- Powers of Attorney
- Living Trusts
- Living Wills
- Divorce
- Adoption Law
- Inheritance
- Contested Wills
- Estate Administration
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning for the Elderly
- Estate Settlements
- Family Trusts
- Family Wealth Transfer
- Pet Trusts
- Trust and Estate Collections
- Trust Law
Law School Attended:
University of Mississippi and University of Utah
Class of 1970
University Attended:
University of Utah
Class of 1966
Weber County and American Bar Associations
Utah State Bar (Board Member, Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Board).
Additional Info