- Robert G. Brewer, Jr.
- Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered
- 3 Bethesda Metro Ctr Ste 460
- Bethesda, MD 20814
Area Practice
- Land Use
- Health Care
- Health
- Real Estate
- Zoning
Law School Attended:
University of Maryland School of Law
Class of 1976
with honors
University Attended:
Hamilton College
Class of 1973
B.A. in Government
Professional Memberships•Maryland State Bar Association (Fellow)
•District of Columbia Bar Association
•Urban Land Institute
•American Health Lawyers Association
•Greater Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce (Counsel to the Board
2004- 2008, 1996-1997
President 1994-1995
VP-Economic Development 1993-1994
VP-Legislative Relations 1992-1993)
•Bethesda Kiwanis (Member 1978-present
President 1984-1985, Foundation President 1990-1992)
•Bethesda Urban Partnership (Chair 1998-1999
Board of Directors 1995-2001)
•Montgomery County Task Force on Alchoholic Beverage Laws (1995-1996)
Additional Info