- Robert A. Bassett
- Holland & Hart Llp
- 6380 S Fiddlers Green Cir Ste 500
- Englewood, CO 80111
- (303) 290-1600
- (303) 290-1606
- http://www.hollandhart.com
Area Practice
- Commercial Transactions
- Commercial Litigation
- Mining Law
- Mineral Law
- Oil and Gas Law
- Public Land Law
- International Mining Law
- Coal Law
- Geothermal Law
- Railroad Law
- Mineral Leasing
- Mineral Rights
- Mineral Royalties
- Mineral Taxation
- Mineral Title
Law School Attended:
University of Denver
Class of 1982
University Attended:
University of Colorado at Boulder
Class of 1975
California Institute of the Arts
Class of 1977
Additional Info