Home > Kentucky > Park Hills > Law Firm: Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc > Richard E. Wentz

- Richard E. Wentz
- Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc
- 40 Pike St
- Covington, KY 41011
- (859) 394-6200
- (859) 392-7200
- http://www.aswdlaw.com
Area Practice
- Corporate Law
- Business Law
- Taxation
Law School Attended:
University of Kentucky
Class of 1975
University Attended:
Centre College of Kentucky
Class of 1969
Vanderbilt University
Class of 1972
Cincinnati, Kenton County (Secretary, 1981
Treasurer, 1982), Northern Kentucky, Kentucky (Director, Section of Corporations, Banking and Business Law, 1986—
Chairman, Business Section, 1994-1996
Member, Task Force to Amend Kentucky Business Corporation Act
Member, Task Force to Draft Kentucky Limited Liability Company Act) and Ohio State Bar Associations.
Additional Info
["Position","Of Counsel"]