- Rachel W. Maron
- Dessaules Law Group
- 5353 N 16th St Ste 110
- Phoenix, AZ 85016
- (602) 638-2175
- (602) 274-5401
- http://www.dessauleslaw.com
Area Practice
- Litigation
- Labor and Employment
- Age Discrimination in Employment
- Americans With Disabilities Act
- Child Labor Law
- Civil Service
- Confidentiality Agreements
- Covenants Not To Compete
- Employee Discipline
- Employee Drug Testing
- Employee Privacy
- Employee Rights
- Employer Intentional Torts
- Employer Liability
- Employer Rights
- Employment Breach of Contract
- Employment Civil Rights
- Employment Claims
- Employment Class Actions
- Employment Contracts
- Employment Defense
- Employment Disability Discrimination
- Employment Discrimination
- Employment Law
- Employment Litigation
- Employment Mediation
- Employment Practices Liability Insurance
- Employment Rights
- Employment Terminiation
- Employment at Will
- Equal Employment Opportunity Law
- Executive Employment Law
- Executive Severance Contracts
- Fair Employment Practices
- Fair Labor Standards
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- Federal Employment Law
- Harassment
- Human Resources Law
- Labor Law
- Minimum Wage Law
- National Labor Relations Act
- National Origin Discrimination
- Negligent Hiring
- Noncompete Litigation
- Noncompetition and Non-Solicitation Agreements
- Personnel Policies
- Personnel Training
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- Prevailing Wage Litigation
- Reductions in Force
- Restrictive Covenants
- Retaliatory Discharge
- Sexual Harassment
- Title VII Discrimination
- Unfair Labor Practices
- Wage and Hour Law
- Whistleblower Litigation
- Wrongful Termination Defense
- Wrongful Termination
- Workplace Violence
- Wage and Hour Class Actions
Law School Attended:
University of Texas
Class of 1994
University Attended:
University of Texas at Austin
Class of 1991
B.A., with Honors
Additional Info
["Position","Senior Attorney"]