- Paul A. Pate
- Lanier Ford Shaver & Payne P.c.
- 2101 Clinton Ave W Ste 102
- Huntsville, AL 35805
- (256) 535-1100
- (256) 533-9322
- http://www.lanierford.com
Area Practice
- Real Estate
- Zoning and Land Use Law
- Probate
- Leases and Leasing
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Business Law
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Development
- Commercial Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Sales
- Industrial Real Estate Law
- Retail Development
- Shopping Center Acquisitions
- Shopping Center Development
- Shopping Center Law
- Construction Law
- Construction Liens
- Materialmens Liens
- Mechanics Liens
- Contracts
- Breach of Contract
- Conveyancing
- Eminent Domain
- Condemnation
- Inverse Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Commercial Leasing
- Evictions
- Industrial Leasing
- Lease Finance
- Lease Terminations
- Leasing
- Office Leasing
- Retail Leasing
- Shopping Center Leasing
- Unlawful Detainer
- Mortgage Law
- Commercial Mortgages
- Mortgage Finance
- Mortgage Foreclosure
- Mortgage Insurance
- Mortgage Refinancing
- Premises Liability
- Property Law
- Personal Property
- Adverse Possession
- Boundary Disputes
- Condominium Association Law
- Condominium Conversions
- Condominium Development
- Condominium Law
- Easements
- Homeowners Association Law
- Land Acquisitions
- Land Sales
- Property Management
- Quiet Title
- Real Estate Acquisitions
- Real Estate Arbitration
- Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Real Estate Contracts
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Errors and Omissions
- Real Estate Exchanges
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Leasing
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Mediation
- Real Estate Partnerships
- Real Estate Sales
- Real Estate Secured Lending
- Real Estate Tax Assessment
- Real Estate Tax Appeals
- Real Estate Tax Foreclosure
- Real Estate Tax Liens
- Real Estate Taxation
- Real Estate Title
- Real Estate Title Examination
- Real Estate Title Insurance
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Property
- Real Property Acquisitions
- Real Property Development
- Real Property Finance
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Acquisitions
- Residential Real Estate Development
- Residential Real Estate Finance
- Residential Real Estate Foreclosure
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Right of Way Easements
- Wills
- Inheritance
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Cemetery Law
- Land Development
- Land Use
- Land Use Litigation
- Land Use Permitting
- Land Use Regulation
- Rezoning
- Subdivisions
- Zoning Law
- Zoning Variances
- Probate Administration
Law School Attended:
University of Alabama
Class of 1981
University Attended:
Auburn University
Class of 1978
summa cum laude
Huntsville Bar Association.
Additional Info