Home > Colorado > Denver > Law Firm: Waas Campbell Rivera Johnson & Velasquez Llp > Patricia C. Campbell

- Patricia C. Campbell
- Waas Campbell Rivera Johnson & Velasquez Llp
- 1350 17th St Ste 450
- Denver, CO 80202
- (720) 324-7745
- (720) 351-4745
- http://www.wcrlegal.com
Area Practice
- Civil Litigation
- Eminent Domain
- False Claims Act Litigation
Law School Attended:
University of Colorado School of Law
Class of 1994
University Attended:
Colorado State University
Class of 1981
B.S., Zoology
University of Colorado
Class of 1983
Biophysics and Genetics
The Colorado Bar Association
Denver Bar Association's Faculty of Federal Advocates.
Additional Info