- Mr. Mark P. Kestner
- Law Office Of Mark P. Kestner
- 6184 Sawyer Rd
- New Market, MD 21774
- (240) 314-7044
- (240) 842-9545
- http://www.kestnerlaw.com
Area Practice
- Real Estate Law
- Residential and Commercial Settlements
- Residential and Commercial Leases
- Contract Preparation and Review
- Boundary Disputes
- Quiet Title Actions
- Easements
- Lending and Secured Transactions
- Property Tax Assessment Appeals
- Title Examinations and Resolution of Title Issues of All Kinds
- Mortgage Counseling and Short Sales
- Co-ownership Agreements
- Ground Rent Redemptions
- Consumer Protection in Real Estate Transactions
- Title Insurance Issues and Claims
- Business Law
- Formation and Organization of Businesses such as Corporations
- Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and General Partnerships
- Dissolution of Businesses and Buy-Out Arrangements
- Bulk Sales
- Employment Contracts
- Purchase and Sale of Businesses
- Estate Planning and Administration
- Estate Planning and Advice
- Preparation of Wills, Trusts
- Durable Powers of Attorney, Limited and Specific Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney
- Living Wills and Funeral Directives
- Estate Administration and Probate
Law School Attended:
George Washington University
Class of 1979
University Attended:
University of California at Davis
Class of 1976
with honors
Prince George's County, Montgomery County, Maryland State and American Bar Associations
District of Columbia Bar
West Virginia State Bar.
Additional Info