- Mr. J. Edgie Russell
- Russell & Heffner Llc
- 153 W Patrick St Ste D
- Frederick, MD 21701
- (240) 415-9989
- (301) 695-0189
- http://www.russellandheffner.com
Area Practice
- Divorce
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Alimony
- Separation Agreements
- Family Law
- Parenting Agreements
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Mediation
- Domestic Violence
- Peace Orders
- Domestic Relations
- Collaborative Law
- Personal Injury
- Automobile Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Wills
- DUI and DWI
- Traffic Matters
Law School Attended:
Suffolk University
Class of 1979
University Attended:
Kenyon College
Class of 1976
Maryland State Bar Association (Family Law Section)
Frederick County Bar Assocaition
Additional Info