- Michael J. Tasset
- Johnson & Mock, Pc, Llo
- 307 N Oakland Ave
- Oakland, NE 68045
- (844) 848-1093
- (402) 685-5648
- http://www.johnsonandmock.com
Area Practice
- Alcoholic Beverage Law
- Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Liquor Liability
- Liquor Licensing
- Agricultural Law
- Aerial Chemical Application
- Agribusiness
- Crop Damage
- Appellate Practice
- Civil Appeals
- Business Law
- Business Crimes
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Fraud
- Business Litigation
- Business Organization
- Children
- Adoption Law
- Child Support
- Federal Civil Practice
- Public Interest Law
- Bribery
- Computers and Software
- Computer Crime
- Computer Fraud
- Constitutional Law
- Fifth Amendment Law
- First Amendment Law
- Fourth Amendment Law
- Freedom of Information
- Media and First Amendment
- Construction Law
- Construction Accidents
- Construction Claims
- Construction Defects
- Construction Litigation
- Construction Products Liability
- Construction Safety
- Materialmens Liens
- Mechanics Liens
- Consumer Law
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Rights
- Contracts
- Breach of Contract
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Closely Held Corporations
- Corporate Criminal Law
- Corporate Investigations
- Corporate Litigation
- Entertainment and the Arts
- Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law
- Separation Agreements
- Labor Arbitration
- Land Reclamation
- Neurolaw
- Personal Injury Defense
- Transfusion Associated AIDS
- Unintended Acceleration
- Privacy Litigation
- Elevator Liability
- Engineering Products Liability
- Environmental Products Liability
- Escalator Liability
- Flammable Fabrics
- Food Borne Disease
- Food Products Liability
- Gas Explosions
- Heart Device Litigation
- Heavy Equipment Products Liability
- Industrial Products Liability
- Manufacturers Liability
- Motorcycle Products Liability
- Office Equipment Products Liability
- Tire Defect Litigation
- Tire/Rim Mismatch
- Vehicle Rollovers
- Toxic Torts
Law School Attended:
University of Nebraska College of Law
Class of 1995
University Attended:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Class of 1991
Nebraska State Bar Association, 1995
Nebraska State Courts, 1995
United States District Courts, 1995
8th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1995
Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association
1996 to Present
Additional Info