- Matthew Munderloh
- Johnson & Mock, Pc, Llo
- 307 N Oakland Ave
- Oakland, NE 68045
- (844) 848-1093
- (402) 685-5648
- http://www.johnsonandmock.com
Area Practice
- Appellate Practice
- Business Law
- Business Fraud
- Business Planning
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Small Business Law
- Sole Proprietorships
- Civil Practice
- Federal Civil Practice
- Collections
- Commercial Collections
- Garnishments
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Crimes
- Commercial Fraud
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Construction Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Corporate Criminal Law
- Corporate Formation
- Capital Offenses
- Civil Forfeiture
- Crime Victims Compensation
- Criminal Antitrust
- Criminal Prosecution
- Death Penalty
- Extortion
- Extradition
- Forensic Accounting
- Forensic DNA
- Forensic Medicine
- Forensic Science
- Grand Jury Practice
- Habeas Corpus
- Homicide
- International Criminal Law
- International Extradition
- Malicious Prosecution
- Manslaughter
- Murder
- Disabilities
- Drugs and Narcotics
- Civil Drug Forfeiture
- Controlled Substances Law
- Drug Forfeiture
- Drug Trafficking
- Eminent Domain
- Inverse Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Fraud and Deceit
- Art Fraud
- Automobile Fraud
- Civil Fraud
- Fraud
- Identity Theft
- Odometer Tampering
- Government
- Federal Government Law
- Local Government Defense
- Local Government Liability
- Local Government Relations
- Public Officials Liability
- Political Subdivision Liability
- Public Policy
- Government Contracts
- Bid Protests
- Defense Contract Fraud
- Local Government Contracts
- Public Bidding
- Public Contract Law
- Public Works Contracts
- Indians and Native Populations
- Federal Indian Law
- Indian Land Law
- Indian Law
- Tribal Law
- Tribal Government
- Tribal Taxation
- Labor and Employment
- Employee Discipline
- Employer Liability
- Employment at Will
- Employment Law
- Employment Litigation
- Fair Labor Standards
- Federal Employment Law
- Law Enforcement
- False Arrest
- False Imprisonment
- Law Enforcement Liability
- Police Brutality
- Police Liability
- Police Misconduct
- Complex Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- International Litigation
- Long-Arm Litigation
- Trial Practice
- U.S. Supreme Court Litigation
- Media Law
- Newspaper Law
- Publishing Contracts
- Publishing Law
- Medical Malpractice
- Birth Trauma
- Chiropractors Malpractice
- Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice
- Dental Malpractice
- Dental Malpractice Defense
- Failure to Diagnose
- Gynecology Malpractice
- Medical Disciplinary Proceedings
- Medical Liability
- Medical Malpractice Defense
- Medical Negligence
- Medical-Legal Law
- Medication Errors
- Mental Health Professionals Malpractice
- Nursing Liability
- Nursing Malpractice
- Nursing Negligence
- Obstetric Malpractice
- Oncology Law
- Optometric Malpractice
- Orthopedic Malpractice
- Pediatric Malpractice
- Pharmacists Liability
- Physicians Professional Liability
- Physicians Rights
- Physicians Risk Management
- Podiatric Malpractice
- Psychiatric Malpractice
- Psychology Malpractice
- Psychotherapy Law
- Surgeons Liability
- Wrong Site Surgery
- Municipal Law
- Chapter 9 Municipal Reorganization
- Firefighter Labor Law
- Municipal Bankruptcy
- Municipal Bonds
- Municipal Bonds Taxation
- Municipal Contracts
- Municipal Corporation Law
- Municipal Defense
- Municipal Derivative Products
- Municipal Finance
- Municipal Leasing
- Municipal Liability
- Municipal License Tax
- Municipal Pension Law
- Municipal Prosecution
- Municipal Redevelopment
- Municipal Risk Management
- Municipal Securities
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Municipal Solid Waste Resource Recovery
- Municipal Taxation
- Municipal Torts
- Municipal Utility Law
- Municipal Utility Regulation
- Police Labor Law
- Tax Increment Finance
- Partnership Law
- Family Limited Partnerships
- Family Partnerships
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Partnerships
- Partnership Dissolution
- Partnership Formation
- Partnership Organization
- Partnership Syndication
- Partnership Taxation
- Probate
- Ancillary Probate
- International Probate
- Real Estate
- Adverse Possession
- Boundary Disputes
- Common Interest Community Law
- Community Association Law
- Conservation Easements
- Conveyancing
- Cooperative Conversions
- Cooperative Housing Association Law
- Easements
- Historic Conservation Easements
- International Real Estate
- Land Acquisitions
- Land Sales
- Land Trusts
- Manufactured Housing Law
- Mobile Home Law
- Planned Unit Development Law
- Property Management
- Quiet Title
- Real Estate Acquisitions
- Real Estate Arbitration
- Real Estate Banking Law
- Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Real Estate Brokerage Law
- Real Estate Brokers Licensing
- Real Estate Brokers Malpractice
- Real Estate Brokers Malpractice Defense
- Real Estate Collections
- Real Estate Contracts
- Real Estate Errors and Omissions
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Exchanges
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Fraud
- Real Estate Investment
- Real Estate Investment Taxation
- Real Estate Investment Trusts
- Real Estate Joint Ventures
- Real Estate Leasing
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Mediation
- Real Estate Partnerships
- Real Estate Restructuring
- Real Estate Sales
- Real Estate Secured Lending
- Real Estate Settlements
- Real Estate Securities
- Real Estate Syndication
- Real Estate Tax Appeals
- Real Estate Tax Assessment
- Real Estate Tax Foreclosure
- Real Estate Tax Liens
- Real Estate Taxation
- Real Estate Title
- Real Estate Title Examination
- Real Estate Title Insurance
- Real Estate Trade Association Law
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Estate Workouts
- Real Property
- Real Property Acquisitions
- Real Property Development
- Real Property Finance
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Acquisitions
- Residential Real Estate Development
- Residential Real Estate Finance
- Residential Real Estate Foreclosure
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Right of Way Easements
- Waterfront Development
- Trusts and Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Bankruptcy
- Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children
- Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples
- Estate Planning for the Disabled
- Estate Planning for the Elderly
- Estate Settlements
- Family Trusts
- Family Wealth Transfer
- Fiduciary Law
- Fiduciary Liability
- Fiduciary Litigation
- Financial Planning
- International Estate Planning
- International Trusts
- International Trusts and Estates
- Living Trusts
- Offshore Trusts
- Personal Planning
- Pet Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Retirement Planning
- Special Needs Trusts
- Surrogates Court Practice
- Trust Administration
- Trust Law
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Unclaimed Property
- Wealth Preservation
- White Collar Crime
- Wills
- Missing Heir Searches
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Building and Public Safety Codes
- Cemetery Law
- Environmental Land Use
- Fire Districts
- Improvement Districts
- Land Conservation
- Land Development
- Land Entitlement
- Land Use
- Land Use Permitting
- Land Use Regulation
- Rezoning
- Special Districts
- Subdivisions
- Water Districts
- Zoning Variances
Law School Attended:
University of Nebraska College of Law
Class of 2003
with high distinction; Order of the Coif; Order of the Barristers; Executive Editor, Nebraska Law Review
University Attended:
Creighton University
Class of 2000
International Studies, summa cum laude
Nebraska State Bar Association, 2003
Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 2003
National Bar Association 2003 - Present
Additional Info