- Luise A. Barrack
- Rosenberg & Estis, P.c.
- 733 Third Avenue,
- New York, NY 10017
- (212) 551-8430
- (212) 551-8484
- http://www.rosenbergestis.com
Area Practice
- Litigation - Commercial
- Litigation - Real Estate
- Landlord Tenant Law
- Loft Law
Law School Attended:
New York Law School
Class of 1980
Honors: Member, Moot Court Association, 1978-1979, Law Review: New York Law School Law Review, Member, 1978-1979, New York Law School Law Review, Research Editor, 1979-1980
University Attended:
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Class of 1977
cum laude
New York City Bar Association (Member: Committee on the Judiciary, Class of 2010-2013
Committee on Cooperative and Condominium Law Committee, Class of 2013-2014).
Additional Info
["Position","Managing Member"]