- Larry G. Haddy
- Burch & Cracchiolo, P.a.
- 702 E Osborn Rd Ste 200
- Phoenix, AZ 85014
- (602) 388-1847
- (602) 850-9753
- http://www.bcattorneys.com
Area Practice
- Business & Corporate Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Creditors' Rights, Bankruptcy & Reorganization
- Family Law
- Insurance Defense / Personal Injury Litigation
- Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation
- Real Estate
- Business Litigation
- Default Litigation
- Divorce Representation
- Professional Liability Litigation
- Real Estate Litigation
Law School Attended:
Beta Alpha Psi Honor Society for Business Schools
Duke University
Class of 1973
University Attended:
University of Iowa
Class of 1968
Additional Info
["Position","Of Counsel"]