Home > New Jersey > Cherry Hill > Law Firm: Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller A Professional Corporation > Kimberley Kluchnick

- Kimberley Kluchnick
- Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller A Professional Corporation
- 401 Route 70 E Ste 100
- Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Area Practice
- Commercial Arbitration
- Commercial Fraud
- Commercial Liability
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Torts
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- Negotiable Instruments
- Sale of Goods
- Secured Transactions
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Rights
- Breach of Contract
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- Corporate Contracts
- Corporate Litigation
- General Practice
- Civil Litigation
- Complex Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- Trial Practice
- Municipal Prosecution
Law School Attended:
Widener University
Class of 1999
University Attended:
Rutgers University
Class of 1996
New Jersey Bar Association (Member, ADR Section).
Additional Info