- John S. Bartlett
- Law Offices Of John S. Bartlett
- 755 N Roop St Ste 108
- Carson City, NV 89701
Area Practice
- Bankruptcy Law
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Taxation Law
- State Sales, Tax Levies, and Use Tax
- Property Tax
- Business Excise Taxes
- IRS Disputes and Tax Audits
- Offers in Compromise
- Business and Consumer Law
- Consumer Rights
- Corporations and LLCs
- Mortgage Mediation
- Real Estate Transactions
- False Claims Act
- Indian Law
- Commercial Law
- Consumer Law
- Foreclosures
- Debt Relief
Law School Attended:
McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific
Class of 1981
University Attended:
University of Maine
Class of 1977
Washoe County Bar Associations
State Bar of Nevada
State Bar of California.
Additional Info