- Jessica (ginny) Cochran Rutledge
- Sirote & Permutt, P.c.
- 2311 Highland Avenue South,
- Birmingham, AL 35205
Area Practice
- Mortgage Banking
- Foreclosures & Creditor's Rights
- Regulatory
- Compliance & Risk Management
- Title Insurance
- Curative & Title Litigation
- Financial Institutions
Law School Attended:
Cumberland School of Law of Samford University
Class of 2001
University Attended:
Auburn University
Class of 1998
Organizations•Alabama State Bar
•Birmingham Bar Association
•Mortgage Bankers Association of America (MBA)
•National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association
•Alabama Manufactured Housing Association
•Legal League 100
•Compliance and Audit
•Mortgage Bankers Association
•Authorized Title Agent
•First American Title
•Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company
•Stewart Title Guaranty Company
•Fidelity National Title
Additional Info