- Jeremy S. Piccini
- Bertone Piccini Llp
- 777 Terrace Ave Ste 201
- Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
Area Practice
- Asset Protection
- Agency and Distributorships
- Banks and Banking
- Bank Foreclosures
- Banking Litigation
- Banking Regulation
- Commercial Banking
- Credit Card Law
- Credit Law
- Lender Liability
- Lender Regulation
- Loan Restructuring
- Loan Workouts
- Business Law
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Litigation
- Business Planning
- Business Organization
- Business Start-Ups
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Taxation
- Business Transactions
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying and Selling of Businesses
- Closely Held Business Estate Planning
- Minority Business Law
- Pass-Through Entities
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Shopping Center Acquisitions
- Shopping Center Development
- Shopping Center Law
- Commercial Arbitration
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Mediation
- Wills
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
- Missing Heir Searches
- Successions
- Utility Law
- Condominium Association Law
- Condominium Development
- Cooperative Conversions
- Land Sales
- Land Acquisitions
- Mixed Use Development
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Finance
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures
- Leases and Leasing
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Leasing
- Evictions
- Office Leasing
- Health Care
- Franchises and Franchising
- Hospital Law
- Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Contracts
Law School Attended:
New York Law School
Class of 2006
University Attended:
Lehigh University
Class of 2003
Finance and Marketing, magna cum laude
Additional Info