- Jeffrey Solomon
- Law Office Of Jeffrey Solomon
- Emerald Village Professional Plaza, 3864 Sheridan Street,
- Hollywood, FL 33021
- (954) 967-9800
- (954) 963-2227
- http://www.solomonlawoffice.com
Area Practice
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Foreclosures
- Bankruptcy
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Probate
- Wills
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
Law School Attended:
University of Virginia
Class of 1980
University Attended:
Emory University
Class of 1976
St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University
Broward County Bar Association (Chairman, Bankruptcy Section)
The Florida Bar
Bankruptcy Bar Association of the Southern District of Florida
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.
Additional Info