Home > Kentucky > Park Hills > Law Firm: Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc > Jason C. Kuhlman

- Jason C. Kuhlman
- Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc
- 40 Pike St
- Covington, KY 41011
Area Practice
- Commercial Litigation
- Employment Law
- Unfair Competition
- Trademarks
- Copyrights
- Insurance Defense
- Civil Rights
- Appellate Practice
Law School Attended:
University of Kentucky College of Law
Class of 2001
cum laude
University Attended:
University of Kentucky
Class of 1998
summa cum laude
Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, Kentucky, Ohio State and American Bar Associations
Defense Research Institute
Kentucky Defense Counsel.
Additional Info