- Jack W. Lawson
- Beckman Lawson, Llp
- 201 W Wayne St
- Fort Wayne, IN 46802
- (260) 440-7626
- (260) 420-1013
- http://www.beckmanlawson.com
Area Practice
- Corporate and Securities Law
- Real Estate Law
- Planning and Zoning Law
- Health Care Law
- Environmental Law
Law School Attended:
Valparaiso University
Class of 1961
University Attended:
Purdue University
Valparaiso University
Class of 1958
Allen County (Secretary, 1964-1966) and Indiana State (Seminar Chairman, Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, 1981—) Bar Associations
American College of Real Estate Lawyers
National Health Lawyers Association (Seminar Speaker, 1986—)
The Best Lawyers in America (2001—).
Additional Info
["Position","Of Counsel"]