- Heidi K. Koeneman
- Beckman Lawson, Llp
- 201 W Wayne St
- Fort Wayne, IN 46802
- (260) 440-7626
- (260) 420-1013
- http://www.beckmanlawson.com
Area Practice
- Adoptions
- Annulment
- Appellate Practice
- Divorce Arbitration
- Family Arbitration
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Civil Litigation
- Collaborative Family Law
- Dental Malpractice
- Fathers Rights
- Legal Malpractice
- Legal Separation
- Mediation
- Divorce Mediation
- Family Mediation
- Medical Malpractice
- Restraining Orders
Law School Attended:
Indiana University School of Law
Class of 1997
University Attended:
Indiana University
Class of 1994
Indiana State Bar Association.
Additional Info