Home > Idaho > Fernan Lk Vlg > Law Firm: Winston & Cashatt, Lawyers A Professional Service Corporation > Elizabeth A. Tellessen

- Elizabeth A. Tellessen
- Winston & Cashatt, Lawyers A Professional Service Corporation
- 250 Northwest Blvd Ste 206
- Coeur D Alene, ID 83814
Area Practice
- Administrative Law
- Administrative Adjudications
- Administrative Agency Practice
- Administrative Hearings and Appeals
- Administrative Litigation
- Federal Administrative Law
- Judicial Review
- Professional Licensing
- Professional Licensing Regulation
- Public Law
- Agricultural Law
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Bankruptcy
- Agricultural Cooperatives
- Agricultural Credit
- Agricultural Creditors Rights
- Agricultural Employment
- Agricultural Finance
- Agricultural Litigation
- Agricultural Tort Claims
- Crop Damage
- Farm and Ranch Law
- Farm Equipment Liability
- Irrigation Law
- Livestock Law
- Winery Law
- Animal Law
- Equine Law
- Banking Law
- Escrow Agent Liability
- Loans
- Secured Lending
- Biotechnology
- Genetics
- Business Law
- Business Arbitration
- Business Litigation
- Business Mediation
- Collections
- Secured Collections
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Arbitration
- Commercial Bad Faith
- Commercial Liability
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Transactions
- Commercial Transfers
- Complex Commercial Litigation
- Negotiable Instruments
- Secured Transactions
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Development
- Commercial Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Sales
- Commercial Real Estate Syndication
- Commercial Real Estate Workouts
- Contracts
- Breach of Contract
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Corporate Real Estate
- Debtor and Creditor
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Eminent Domain
- Condemnation
- Inverse Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Administrative Law
- Environmental Arbitration
- Environmental Due Diligence
- Environmental Liability
- Environmental Litigation
- Environmental Mediation
- Environmental Real Estate
- Finance
- Secured Finance
- Securitization
- General Practice
- Federal Practice
- Government
- County Government Law
- County Liability
- Local Government Law
- Local Government Liability
- State Government Law
- Indians and Native Populations
- Indian Land Law
- Leases and Leasing
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Leasing
- Lease Terminations
- Leasing
- Litigation
- Civil Litigation
- Complex Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- Federal Civil Litigation
- Federal Litigation
- Trial Practice
- Mortgage Law
- Commercial Mortgages
- Foreclosure Defense
- Mortgage Banking Law
- Mortgage Bankruptcy
- Mortgage Finance
- Mortgage Foreclosure
- Mortgage Lien Foreclosure
- Mortgage Refinancing
- Mortgage Securitization
- Mortgage Workouts
- Municipal Law
- Municipal Contracts
- Municipal Corporation Law
- Municipal Leasing
- Natural Resources
- Conservation Law
- Drainage Law
- Forestry Law
- Mineral Leasing
- Mining Law
- Public Land Law
- Riparian Rights
- Surface Mining
- Timber and Logging Law
- Water Law
- Water Rights
- Professional Liability
- Agents and Brokers Errors and Omissions
- Agents and Brokers Liability
- Appraisers Liability
- Directors and Officers Errors and Omissions
- Directors and Officers Insurance Coverage
- Directors and Officers Liability
- Surveyors Malpractice
- Real Estate
- Adverse Possession
- Boundary Disputes
- Common Interest Community Law
- Community Association Law
- Condominium Association Law
- Condominium Conversions
- Condominium Development
- Condominium Law
- Conservation Easements
- Conveyancing
- Easements
- Homeowners Association Law
- Land Acquisitions
- Land Sales
- Land Trusts
- Mixed Use Development
- Planned Unit Development Law
- Property Management
- Quiet Title
- Real Estate Acquisitions
- Real Estate Arbitration
- Real Estate Banking Law
- Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Real Estate Brokerage Law
- Real Estate Brokers and Agents Liability
- Real Estate Brokers Licensing
- Real Estate Brokers Malpractice
- Real Estate Brokers Malpractice Defense
- Real Estate Collections
- Real Estate Contracts
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Errors and Omissions
- Real Estate Exchanges
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Fraud
- Real Estate Leasing
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Mediation
- Real Estate Partnerships
- Real Estate Restructuring
- Real Estate Sales
- Real Estate Secured Lending
- Real Estate Settlements
- Real Estate Title
- Real Estate Title Examination
- Real Estate Title Insurance
- Real Estate Valuation
- Real Estate Workouts
- Real Property
- Real Property Acquisitions
- Real Property Development
- Real Property Finance
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Acquisitions
- Residential Real Estate Development
- Residential Real Estate Finance
- Residential Real Estate Foreclosure
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Right of Way Easements
- Waterfront Development
- Resorts and Leisure
- Recreational Property Law
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Building and Public Safety Codes
- Environmental Land Use
- Improvement Districts
- Land Conservation
- Land Development
- Land Entitlement
- Land Use
- Land Use Litigation
- Land Use Permitting
- Land Use Regulation
- Rezoning
- Special Districts
- Subdivisions
- Water Districts
- Zoning Law
- Zoning Variances
Law School Attended:
Gonzaga University School of Law
Class of 2005
cum laude
University Attended:
Colorado State University
Class of 2001
Animal Science, cum laude
Washington State Bar Association (Member, Section of Environmental and Land Use Law)
Spokane County Bar Association (Past President, Young Lawyers Division)
Idaho State Bar Association
Associated Builders and Contractors
Junior Livestock Show of Spokane (Trustee)
North East Development Advisory Board, City of Spokane.
Additional Info