Home > Kentucky > Park Hills > Law Firm: Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc > Donald L. Stepner

- Donald L. Stepner
- Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc
- 40 Pike St
- Covington, KY 41011
Area Practice
- Litigation
- Personal Injury
- Class Actions
- Construction Law
- Eminent Domain
- Legal Malpractice
- Insurance
- Labor and Employment
- Medical Malpractice
- Products Liability
- Professional Liability
Law School Attended:
University of Kentucky College of Law
Class of 1966
University Attended:
Wentworth Institute
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Class of 1963
Cincinnati, Kenton County (President, 1973), Northern Kentucky, Kentucky (Member, Board or Directors 1990-1996, Vice President, 1997, President-Elect, 1998, and President, 1999-2000) and American (Member, House of Delegates (2000—)
Bar Associations
Kentucky Defense Counsel Association
Defense Research Institute.
Additional Info