- David Mincin
- Mincin Law, Pllc.
- 528 S Casino Center Blvd Ste 325
- Las Vegas, NV 89101
- (702) 589-9881
- (702) 589-9882
- http://www.mincinlaw.com
Area Practice
- Business Law
- Commercial Law
- Real Estate
- Contract Litigation
- Complex Bankruptcy - Debtor and Creditor
- Personal Injury
- Medical Malpractice
- Legal Malpractice
- Mechanic's Lien Foreclosures
- Real Property - including Title Disputes
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Civil Practice
- Debtor and Creditor
- Creditors Rights
- Creditors Rights in Bankruptcy
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Remedies
- Debtor and Creditor Reorganization
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Unsecured Creditors Rights
- Bankruptcy Reorganization
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Workouts
- Debt Relief
- Foreclosures
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Insolvency
- Out of Court Debt Restructuring
- Pre-Bankruptcy Workouts
- Legal Malpractice Defense
- Legal Negligence
- Legal Professional Liability
- Civil Litigation
- Complex Litigation
- Complex and Multi-District Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- E-Discovery
- Federal Civil Litigation
- Federal Litigation
- Failure to Diagnose
- Medical Liability
- Medical Negligence
- Mortgage Law
- Property Law
Law School Attended:
California Western School of Law
Class of 1994
University Attended:
Boston College
Class of 1989
Rutgers University
Class of 1992
Nevada State Bar
California State Bar
Additional Info