- Cristina Z. Sinclair
- Bertone Piccini Llp
- 777 Terrace Ave Ste 201
- Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
- (201) 244-4385
- (201) 483-9187
- http://www.bertonepiccini.com
Area Practice
- Appellate Practice
- Civil Appeals
- Business Law
- Business Litigation
- Civil Practice
- Federal Civil Practice
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Liability
- Environmental Litigation
- Litigation
- Real Estate Banking Law
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Litigation
- Bank Foreclosures
- Banking Litigation
Law School Attended:
Seton Hall University School of Law
Class of 1998
cum laude
University Attended:
American University
Class of 1995
International Relations
Additional Info
["Position","Of Counsel"]