- Craig S. Gerard
- Lynch Gallagher
- 215 E Broadway St
- Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
- (989) 546-5828
- (517) 853-1501
- http://www.thegallagherlawfirm.com
Area Practice
- Wills
- Trust Law
- Elder Care
- Elder Law
- Asset Protection
- Business Law
- Business Development
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Organization
- Business Planning
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Successions
- Business Transactions
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Closely Held Business Estate Planning
- Family Business Successions
- Family Business Law
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Small Business Law
- Collections
- Adoption Law
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Entertainment Law
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Marital Property Settlements
- Separation Agreements
- Uncontested Divorce
- Trust Investment
- Probate
- Ancillary Probate
- Probate Administration
- Probate Litigation
- Sports Law
- Professional Sports Law
- Sports Contracts
- Sports Marketing Law
- Estate and Gift Taxation
- Federal Estate and Gift Taxation
- Tax Planning
- Trusts and Estates Taxation
- Contested Trusts and Estates
- Decedents Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children
- Estate Planning for the Disabled
- Estate Planning for the Elderly
- Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples
- Estate Settlements
- Family Trusts
- Family Wealth Transfer
- Fiduciary Law
- Fiduciary Liability
- Fiduciary Litigation
- Financial Planning
- Living Trusts
- Personal Planning
- Pet Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Retirement Planning
- Special Needs Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Trust and Estate Collections
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Wealth Preservation
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
- Charitable Giving
- Charitable Trusts and Foundations
- Real Estate
- Conveyancing
- Land Trusts
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Partnerships
- Real Estate Title
- Civil Litigation
- Title Insurance Defense
- Real Estate Tax Appeals
- Real Estate Taxation
Law School Attended:
Thomas M. Cooley Law School
cum laude
University Attended:
Western Michigan University
Ingham County and American Bar Associations
State Bar of Michigan (Member, Probate and Estate Planning Section).
Additional Info