- Christopher Guy Rogers
- Kuhn Rogers Plc
- 412 S Union St
- Traverse City, MI 49684
- (231) 947-7900
- (231) 947-7321
- http://www.zimmerman-kuhn.com
Area Practice
- Real Estate
- Banks and Banking
- Trusts and Estates
- Business Law
- Mortgage Law
- Debtor and Creditor
- Intellectual Property
- General Practice
- Young Lawyers Section
- Real Property Law Section
- Elder Law & Disability Rights Section
- Probate & Estate Planning Section
Law School Attended:
University of New Hampshire School of Law
Class of 2009
University Attended:
University of Michigan
Class of 2004
B.A., Economics
Grand Traverse-Leelanau-Antrim Bar Association
State Bar of Michigan
Illinois State Bar Association
American Bar Association.
Additional Info