Home > Kentucky > Park Hills > Law Firm: Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc > Catherine D. Stavros

- Catherine D. Stavros
- Adams, Stepner, Woltermann & Dusing, Pllc
- 40 Pike St
- Covington, KY 41011
Area Practice
- Real Estate
- Banking
- Bankruptcy
Law School Attended:
Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Class of 1995
University Attended:
Transylvania University
Class of 1991
Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky (Chair, 1998-1999
At Large Position, 2000, Board of Directors
Young Lawyers Section
Co-Chair, Women Lawyer's Section Co-Chair, 2006
President, 2008), Kentucky and Ohio State Bar Associations.
Additional Info