- Calvin Y. Shin
- Goldsmith & Guymon, P.c.
- 2055 Village Center Cir
- Las Vegas, NV 89134
- (702) 570-8127
- (702) 873-9600
- http://www.goldguylaw.com
Area Practice
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Bankruptcy Reorganization
- Bankruptcy Taxation
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Workouts
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Foreclosures
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Insolvency
- Liquidations
- Out of Court Debt Restructuring
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Pre-Bankruptcy Workouts
- Workouts
- Business Development
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Enterprises
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Organization
- Business Planning
- Business Reorganization
- Business Start-Ups
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Successions
- Business Transactions
- Business Transfers
- Business Trusts
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying and Selling of Businesses
- Elder Abuse
- Elder Care
- Elder Rights
- Elder Law
- Adoptions
- Alimony
- Annulment
- Family Law
- Child Custody
- Divorce
- Domestic Partnerships
- Domestic Relations
- Legal Separation
- Marital Agreements
- Paternity
- Name Changes
- No Fault Divorce
- Parental Rights
- Parenting Time
- Post Divorce Modification
- Post Nuptial Agreements
- Premarital Agreements
- Spousal Support
- Uncontested Divorce
- Visitation Rights
- Trusts and Estates
- Contested Trusts and Estates
- Decedents Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning for Parents of Handicapped Children
- Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples
- Estate Planning for the Disabled
- Estate Planning for the Elderly
- Family Trusts
- Living Trusts
- Personal Planning
- Powers of Attorney
- Special Needs Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Trust Law
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Trust and Estate Collections
- Wills
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
Law School Attended:
Pepperdine University School of Law
Class of 2013
University Attended:
University of California, Irvine
Class of 2008
BA, Psychology
Additional Info