Home > Washington > Puyallup > Law Firm: Campbell Dille Barnett & Smith, Pllc > Bryce H. Dille, (p.s.)

- Bryce H. Dille, (p.s.)
- Campbell Dille Barnett & Smith, Pllc
- 317 S Meridian
- Edgewood, WA 98371
Area Practice
- Corporation Law
- Real Estate Law
- Health Law
- Business Law
- Estate Planning
- Probate
Law School Attended:
Gonzaga University
Class of 1966
University Attended:
University of Washington
Class of 1961
Tacoma-Pierce County (Secretary-Treasurer, 1968-1971
Member, Board of Trustees, 1975-1976) and Washington State (Member: Real Property, Probate and Trust Committee, 1970-1972
Local Administrative Committee, 1973-1979
Continuing Legal Education Committee, 1974-1982
Member, Legislative Committee, 1984
Disciplinary Board, 1996-1999
Board of Governors, 2001-2004 (Treasurer, 2003-2004)
Board Member and President of Washington State Bar Foundation, 2002-2005
Limited Practice Officer Board, 2005-2009. Bar Associations
Washington State Hospital Attorney Association
American Hospital Attorney Association.
Additional Info