- Bruce D. Dierking
- Packard And Dierking, Llc
- Waterstreet, 2595 Canyon Boulevard, Suite 200,
- Boulder, CO 80302
Area Practice
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Leasing
- Zoning, Planning and Land Use
- Banking Law
- Financial Law
- Mortgage Law
- Foreclosures
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Finance
- Leases and Leasing
- Real Estate Exchanges
- Corporate Law
- Business Transactions
- Debtor and Creditor
- Eminent Domain
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Business Law
- Commercial Law
- Contracts
- Business Divestitures
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Warranty Law
- Franchise Law
Law School Attended:
University of Colorado
Class of 1994
University Attended:
University of Northern Colorado
Class of 1989
summa cum laude
Boulder County, Colorado and American (Member, Business Law and Real Property Law Sections) Bar Associations.
Additional Info