Home > Delaware > Wilmington > Law Firm: Monzack, Mersky, McLaughlin And Browder, P.a. > Brian J. McLaughlin

- Brian J. McLaughlin
- Monzack, Mersky, McLaughlin And Browder, P.a.
- 1201 N Orange St Ste 400
- Wilmington, DE 19801
- (302) 504-8115
- (302) 656-2769
- http://www.monlaw.com
Area Practice
- Business Law
- Commercial Transactions
- Civil Litigation
- Bankruptcy
- Real Property
Law School Attended:
University of Dayton
Class of 1985
University Attended:
University of Delaware
Class of 1982
Delaware State (Member, Sections on: Commercial Law
Real and Personal Property Law
and Bankruptcy) and American (Member, Sections on: Business Law
Real and Personal Property Law
Probate and Trust Law
and Litigation) Bar Associations
American Bankruptcy Institute.
Additional Info