- Andrew L. Richards
- Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, Llp
- 135 Crossways Park Dr Ste 201
- Woodbury, NY 11797
Area Practice
- Construction Law
- Business Litigation
- Contract Drafting and Negotiation
- Construction Defect Litigation
- Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions
- Claims, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation
- Shareholder Litigation
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- General Liability
- Fidelity and Surety
- Architects and Engineers
- Union Arbitrations and Grievances
- Employment Agreements
- Wage and Hour Litigation and Compliance
- Labor and Employment Law on Behalf of Management
- Employment Practices Liability Defense
Law School Attended:
Brooklyn Law School
Class of 1989
University Attended:
Vassar College
Class of 1986
Connecticut, New York State, New Jersey State and American Bar Associations.
Additional Info