- Alphonso Stafford Hearns
- Coleman & Hearns, Llc
- 6444 Bock Rd
- Oxon Hill, MD 20745
- (240) 532-2349
- (301) 772-0289
- http://www.candhlawyers.com
Area Practice
- Family
- Divorce
- Custody
- Child Support
- Visitation Rights
- Separation Agreements
- Domestic Violence
- Protective Orders
- Peace Orders
- Wills
- Probate
- Criminal Defense
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Traffic Violations
- Personal Injury
- Automobile Accidents and Injuries
- Immigration and Naturalization
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Business Immigration
- Citizenship
- Deportation
- Employment Authorizations
- Employment Immigration
- Employment Visas
- Immigration Discrimination
- Labor Certifications
- Permanent Visas
- Removal Proceedings
- Visas
Law School Attended:
The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law
Class of 2004
University Attended:
University of Maryland, College Park
Class of 1997
Prince George's County Bar Association (Co-Chair, Family Law Committee)
Bar Association of Montgomery County
Maryland State Bar Association, Inc.
American Bar Association
Additional Info
["Position","Co-Founder and Partner"]