- Wolff & Orenstein, Llc
- 15245 Shady Grove Rd Ste 465
- Potomac, MD 20850
Area Practice
- Bankruptcy
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief Agency
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Bankruptcy Mediation
- Bankruptcy Reorganization
- Bankruptcy Creditors Rights
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Workouts
- Creditor Collections
- Repossessions
- Residential Foreclosure
- Loan Modification
- Trustee
- Committee Representation
- Business Law
- Contracts
- Breach Of Contracts
- Business Formation
- Small Business Law
- Commercial Transactions
- Corporate Law
- Personal Injury
- Automobile Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Premise Liability
- Brain Injury
- Head Injury
- Neck Injury
- Back Injury
- Fractures
- Boating Accidents
- School Bus Accidents
- Stair Collapse
- Building Collapse
- Bus Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Truck Accidents
- Whiplash
- Animal Attacks
- Nursing Home Negligence
- Medical Malpractice
- Criminal Law
- Federal Criminal Law
- Assault And Battery
- Bank Robbery
- Burglary
- Car Theft
- Carjacking
- Criminal Appeals
- Criminal Fraud
- Drive By Shootings
- Drivers License Suspension
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Drug Offenses
- Drug Crimes
- Possession
- Possession With Intent To Distribute
- Distribution
- Conspiracy To Distribute
- Manufacturing
- Rico
- Interstate Trafficking
- Embezzlement
- Extortion
- False Imprisonment
- Felonies
- Insurance Fraud
- Insurance Violations
- Forgery
- Hit
- Run
- Identity Theft
- Juvenile Criminal Law
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Kidnapping
- Mail Fraud
- Manslaughter
- Misdemeanors
- Money Laundering
- Murder
- Attempted Murder
- Rape
- Robbery
- Pardons
- Parole And Probation
- Political Crimes
- Prostitution
- Sex Crimes
- Sexual Assault
- Shoplifting
- Stalking
- Theft
- Traffic Violations
- Vehicular Homicide
- Negligent Homicide
- Probation Violations
- Parole Violations
- Retake Hearings
- Stealing
- Victims Rights
- Weapons Charges
- Gun Charges
- White Collar Crime
- Wire Fraud
- Administrative MVA Hearings
- Wills
- Probate
- Trusts And Estates
- Estate Administration
- Trial Practice
- Products Liability
- Automotive Products Liability
- Biomedical Products Liability
- Chemical Explosions
- Chemical Products Liability
- Dalkon Shield Litigation
- Diet Drug Litigation
- Drug and Medical Device Litigation
- Elevator Liability
- Environmental Products Liability
- Escalator Liability
- Explosions
- Flammable Fabrics
- Food Products Liability
- Gas Explosions
- Heart Device Litigation
- Product Defects
- Product Failure
- Product Safety
- Product Warning Labels
- Vaccine Injury
- DePuy Hip Implant Replacement
- Zimmer Knee Replacement
Additional Info
Free Consultation. Bankruptcy Lawyers Serving Maryland & DC. Reasonable Rates & Quality Legal Representation.
The mission of our law firm is to help our clients with their bankruptcy issues in the best way possible. At our Rockville, Maryland law firm of Wolff & Orenstein, LLC, this is our home, this is where we work and play, and this is the community that we want to improve. Michael Wolff has been practicing bankruptcy law for more than 35 years. Jeffrey Orenstein is not far behind with more than 30 years of experience. The two principals of the law firm hold the highest rating in the legal industry, the AV Preeminent rating, from Martindale-Hubbell, the distinguished lawyer's directory. The combined experience of the members of this firm adds up to more than 65 years. The firm is one of the top bankruptcy law firms in Maryland, serving Montgomery, Frederick and Prince George's Counties and the District of Columbia. When you face difficult decisions regarding your personal finances and in other areas of your life, do not delay in reaching out to an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Contact Wolff & Orenstein, LLC by phone or online for a free initial consultation.