Area Practice
- Administrative Adjudications
- Administrative Agency Practice
- Administrative Hearings and Appeals
- Judicial Review
- Professional Licensing Regulation
- Public Law
- Advertising and Labeling
- Direct Marketing
- Multi-Level Marketing
- Promotion Law
- Sponsorship Law
- Telemarketing Fraud
- Telemarketing Law
- Age Discrimination
- Elder Rights
- Distribution
- International Distribution
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Bankruptcy
- Agricultural Cooperatives
- Agricultural Credit
- Agricultural Creditors Rights
- Agricultural Employment
- Crop Damage
- Food Distribution
- Food Labeling and Inspection
- Plant Variety Protection
- Seed Law
- Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Local Liquor Options
- Collaborative Law
- International Dispute Resolution
- International Mediation
- Animal Rights
- Animal Welfare
- Canine Law
- Police Canine Law
- Antiboycott Compliance
- Business Combinations
- International Antitrust
- Artists Rights
- Cultural Property
- Fine Arts
- Museum Law
- Aeronautical Regulation
- Aerospace Contract Fraud
- Aerospace Law
- Aircraft Finance and Leasing
- Aircraft Sales
- Aircraft Tax Free Exchanges
- Aircraft Title
- Airline Labor Law
- Airline Regulation
- Airplane Crash Litigation
- Airport Privatization
- Airport Regulation
- Aviation Products Liability
- Aviation Regulation
- Aviation Tax
- International Aviation Law
- Space Law
- Bankruptcy Arbitration
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 12
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Collections
- Bankruptcy Fraud
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Bankruptcy Mediation
- Bankruptcy Reorganization
- Bankruptcy Taxation
- Bankruptcy Trustees Rights
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Workouts
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Debt Relief
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Insolvency
- International Bankruptcy
- International Insolvency
- Liquidations
- Out of Court Debt Restructuring
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Pre-Bankruptcy Workouts
- Repossessions
- Workouts
- Workouts Taxation
- ATM Networks
- Bank Failures
- Bank Holding Company Regulation
- Commercial Foreclosure Defense
- Credit Card Law
- Credit Finance
- Credit Insurance
- Currency Law
- Deed in Lieu
- Electronic Banking
- Escrow Agent Liability
- Escrow Law
- Exchange Control
- Fair Lending
- Financial Law
- Foreclosures
- Foreclosure Defense
- Foreign Exchange
- Interest and Usury
- International Banking Law
- International Loans
- Lender Law
- Loan Syndication
- Savings and Loan Failures
- Short Sale
- Thrift Institution Failures
- Thrift Institution Regulation
- Thrift Institutions Law
- Truth in Lending
- Enzymology
- Genetics
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Business Associations Law
- Business Cooperatives
- Business Enterprises
- Business Syndication
- Business Taxation
- Business Transfers
- Closely Held Business Taxation
- Cooperative Taxation
- International Business Law
- International Joint Ventures
- Pass-Through Entities
- Privatization
- Strategic Alliances
- Casino Law
- Gaming Law
- Gaming Licensing
- Pari-Mutuel Racing
- Riverboat Gaming Law
- Chancery Practice
- Child Abduction
- Child Support
- Child Welfare
- Childrens Rights
- Day Care
- Fathers Rights
- Foster Care
- Grandparents Custody
- Grandparents Visitation Rights
- International Child Abduction
- International Child Custody
- Interstate Child Custody
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Juvenile Dependency
- Juvenile Law
- Orphans Court Practice
- Parental Kidnapping
- Parental Rights
- Parenting Time
- Termination of Parental Rights
- Third Party Custody
- Visitation Rights
- Federal Civil Practice
- International Collections
- Professional Collections
- Retail Collections
- Secured Collections
- Unsecured Collections
- Commercial Transfers
- International Commercial Arbitration
- Bank Workouts
- Transactions
- Commodities Arbitration
- Commodities Finance
- Commodities Fraud
- Commodities Futures
- Commodities Regulation
- Broadcast Applications
- Broadcast Licensing
- Broadcast Production and Distribution
- Broadcast Radio
- Broadcast Regulation
- Broadcast Station Transfers
- Broadcast Television
- Broadcasting Law
- Cable Communications
- Cable Franchising
- Cable Programming
- Cable TV
- Cellular Communications
- Cellular Fraud
- Cellular Radio
- Cellular Telephone
- Communications Common Carrier
- Communications Finance
- Communications Law
- Digital Communications
- FCC Licensing
- FCC Regulation
- International Communications Law
- International Telecommunications Law
- Mass Media Law
- Public Broadcasting
- Radio Common Carrier
- Satellite Communications
- Telecommunications Competition
- Telecommunications Contracts
- Telecommunications Finance
- Telecommunications Law
- Telecommunications Leasing
- Telecommunications Licensing
- Telecommunications Regulation
- Wireless Communications
- Computer Security
- Computer Software Law
- Computer Technology
- Data Protection
- Information Technology
- International Computer Law
- Fifth Amendment Law
- First Amendment Law
- Fourth Amendment Law
- Freedom of Information
- Freedom of Religion
- Media and First Amendment
- Construction Law
- Consumer Arbitration
- Consumer Class Actions
- Consumer Collections
- Consumer Credit
- Consumer Credit Compliance
- Consumer Finance
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Rights
- Fair Credit Reporting Act
- DWI 1st Offense
- DWI 2nd Offense
- DWI 3rd Offense
- Debtor and Creditor
- Creditors Rights
- Creditors Rights in Bankruptcy
- Debtor and Creditor Collections
- Debtor and Creditor Remedies
- Debtor and Creditor Reorganization
- Debtor and Creditor Rights
- Debtor and Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- International Creditors Rights
- Secured Creditors Rights
- Unsecured Creditors Rights
- Disabilities
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Deaf Rights
- Disability Discrimination
- Disabled Access
- Disabled Rights
- Handicapped Rights
- Academic Employment
- Charter School Law
- College and University Law
- Educational Testing
- Federal Education Grants
- Fraternity Liability
- Independent School Law
- Private Education Law
- Public School Law
- School Board Defense
- School Board Liability
- School Desegregation
- School District Liability
- School Equal Protection
- School Law
- School Tenure
- Special Education
- Student Loans
- Teachers Credentials
- Title IX Discrimination
- University Finance
- Administrative Lobbying
- Campaign Ethics
- Election and Campaign Finance
- Executive Lobbying
- Legislative Lobbying
- Legislative Redistricting
- Lobbying
- Voting Rights
- Condemnation
- Inverse Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Cash Balance Plans
- Deferred Compensation
- Disability Benefits
- Employee Benefit Taxation
- Employee Benefit Trusts
- Employee Benefits Litigation
- Employee Compensation
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans
- Employee Stock Ownership Trusts
- Equity Compensation
- ERISA Collections
- ERISA Compliance
- ERISA Litigation
- Executive Compensation
- Executive Compensation Taxation
- Flexible Benefit Plans
- Fringe Benefits
- Health Benefits
- Multi-Employer Benefits
- Multi-Employer Pensions
- Non-Qualified Benefits
- Pension and Profit Sharing Plans
- Pension Fund Investments
- Pension Plans
- Pension Taxation
- Profit Sharing
- Public Employee Retirement
- Public Pension Plans
- Qualified Retirement Plans
- Retirement Benefit Plans
- Taft-Hartley Plans
- Unemployment Compensation
- Unemployment Compensation Taxation
- 401(k) Plans
- Energy
- Alternative Energy
- Cogeneration
- Electric Power
- Electric Power Joint Ventures
- Energy Acquisitions
- Energy Competition
- Energy Conservation
- Energy Contracts
- Energy Deregulation
- Energy Facility Siting
- Energy Finance
- Energy Marketing
- Energy Non-Competes
- Energy Project Development
- Energy Regulation
- Gas Contracts
- Federal Energy Regulation
- Hydroelectricity
- Hydroelectricity Licensing
- Independent Power
- International Energy Law
- North American Energy Trade
- Nuclear Energy
- Power Pooling Contracts
- Renewable Energy
- Wholesale Power Contracts
- Wind Energy
- Entertainment and the Arts
- Entertainment Syndication
- Interactive Multimedia Law
- Motion Picture Finance
- Motion Picture Production and Distribution
- Motion Pictures and Television
- Multimedia Law
- Music Copyright
- Music Law
- Music Licensing
- Music Publishing
- Theater Law
- Video Law
- Air Quality
- Brownfields Redevelopment
- Chemical Regulation
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act
- Climate Change
- Coastal Environmental Law
- Earth Movement
- Endangered Species
- Environmental Administrative Law
- Environmental Auditing
- Environmental Bankruptcy
- Environmental Business Law
- Environmental Class Actions
- Environmental Cleanup
- Environmental Compliance
- Environmental Contamination
- Environmental Corporate Law
- Environmental Cost Recovery
- Environmental Criminal Defense
- Environmental Criminal Law
- Environmental Diseases
- Environmental Dispute Resolution
- Environmental Due Diligence
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Environmental Insurance
- Environmental Insurance Claims
- Environmental Insurance Coverage
- Environmental Insurance Defense
- Environmental Legislative Practice
- Environmental Lender Liability
- Environmental Liability
- Environmental Penalties
- Environmental Permitting
- Environmental Real Estate
- Environmental Regulation
- Environmental Reinsurance
- Environmental Risk Management
- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
- Gas Pollution
- Groundwater Contamination
- Habitat Conservation
- Hazardous Materials and Substances
- Hazardous Materials Management
- Hazardous Materials Transportation
- Hazardous Waste
- Hazardous Waste Liability
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Hazardous Waste Permits
- Hazardous Waste Regulation
- Indoor Air Quality
- International Environmental Law
- Landslides and Subsidence
- Medical Waste
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
- Nuclear Waste
- Oil Pollution
- Oil Spills
- Pesticide Regulation
- Pollution
- Property Remediation
- Protected Species
- Sick Building Syndrome
- Solid Waste
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Solid Waste Management
- Solid Waste Regulation
- Superfund
- Toxic Chemicals
- Toxic Substance Liability
- Toxic Substance Regulation
- Toxic Substances
- Underground Storage Tanks
- Water Pollution
- Water Quality
- Wetlands Protection
- Wetlands Regulation
- Wildlife Law
- Equipment Finance
- Equipment Leasing
- Vehicle Leasing
- Fidelity and Surety
- Fidelity and Surety Bonds
- Surety Bonds
- Surety Defense
- Surety Law
- Finance
- Asset Based Finance
- Asset Sales
- Commercial Finance
- Credit Enhancement
- Cross Border Finance
- Debt and Equity Finance
- Debt Finance
- Equity Finance
- Eurobonds
- Factoring Law
- Finance Taxation
- Financial Fraud
- Financial Fraud Recovery
- Financial Institution Bonds
- Financial Institution Failures
- Financial Institution Insolvency
- Financial Institution Regulation
- Financial Institution Reorganization
- Financial Institutions Law
- Financial Institutions Litigation
- Financial Institutions Taxation
- Financial Restructuring
- International Commercial Finance
- International Finance
- Precious Metals Finance
- Private Finance
- Secured Finance
- Securitization
- Structured Finance
- Unsecured Finance
- Franchise Taxation
- International Franchising
- Art Fraud
- Automobile Fraud
- Civil Fraud
- Fraud
- Identity Theft
- Odometer Tampering
- Congressional Investigations
- County Government Law
- County Liability
- False Claims Act
- Federal Government Law
- Federal Grants
- Federal Legislative Practice
- Federal Tort Claims
- Government Affairs
- Government Agency Practice
- Government Ethics
- Government Immunity
- Government Investigations
- Government Relations
- Government Risk Management
- Government Tort Liability
- Governmental Defense
- Governmental Law
- Governmental Liability
- Initiative and Referendum
- International Government Relations
- Legislative Practice
- Local Government Civil Rights
- Local Government Defense
- Local Government Law
- Local Government Liability
- Local Government Relations
- Political Subdivision Liability
- Public Officials Liability
- Public Policy
- State Legislative Practice
- Township Law
- Bid Protests
- Defense Contract Fraud
- Defense Contracts
- Federal Contracts
- Foreign Military Sales
- Government Construction Contracts
- Government Contract Arbitration
- Government Contract Cost Accounting
- Government Contract Fraud
- Government Procurement
- International Government Contracts
- Local Government Contracts
- Public Bidding
- Public Contract Law
- Public Works Contracts
- Alternative Health Care Delivery Systems
- Bioethics
- Certificates of Need
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities
- Government Health Care Contracts
- Health Care Administration
- Health Care Bankruptcy
- Health Care Compliance
- Health Care Contracts
- Health Care Corporate Law
- Health Care Facility Licensing
- Health Care Facility Regulation
- Health Care Finance
- Health Care Fraud
- Health Care Insolvency
- Health Care Legislation
- Health Care Liability
- Health Care Licensing
- Health Care Litigation
- Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions
- Health Care Privacy
- Health Care Reform
- Health Care Regulation
- Health Care Reimbursement
- Health Care Taxation
- Health Information Technology
- Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Coverage
- Health Insurance Defense
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Health Insurance Trusts
- Health Law
- Health Maintenance Organizations
- Home Health Care
- Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems
- Long Term Care
- Managed Care
- Managed Care Contracts
- Managed Care Liability
- Medical Antitrust
- Medical Collections
- Medical Ethics
- Medical Law
- Mental Health Law
- Nurses Licensing
- Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
- Nursing Home Liability
- Nursing Home Litigation
- Nursing Home Negligence
- Nursing Home Regulation
- Nursing Law
- Patients Rights
- Pharmacy Law
- Physician Practices
- Physicians Contracts
- Physicians Licensing
- Public Health Law
- Telemedicine
- Highway Construction Law
- Highway Design Liability
- Affordable Housing
- Apartment Projects
- Fair Housing
- Housing Development
- Housing Discrimination
- Housing Finance
- Low Income Housing
- Multi-Family Housing
- Public Housing
- Senior Citizen Housing
- Subsidized Housing
- Asylum
- Business Immigration
- Citizenship
- Consular Law
- Deportation
- Diplomatic Immunity
- Employment Authorizations
- Employment Immigration
- Employment Visas
- Family Immigration Law
- Immigration Discrimination
- Immigration Law
- Investor Visas
- Labor Certifications
- Permanent Visas
- Political Asylum
- Refugee Law
- Religious Visas
- Removal Proceedings
- Visas
- Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
- Alaska Native Law
- Federal Indian Law
- Indian Child Welfare Act
- Indian Economic Development
- Indian Gaming Law
- Indian Land Law
- Indian Law
- Indian Water Claims
- Native American Civil Rights
- Native American Law
- Native Hawaiian Rights
- Navajo Tribal Law
- State-Tribal Relations
- Tribal Government
- Tribal Law
- Tribal Taxation
- Ute Tribal Law
- Intellectual Property
- Artistic Property
- Chemical Intellectual Property
- Electrical Intellectual Property
- Electronic Intellectual Property
- Industrial Models and Designs
- Industrial Property
- Industrial Property Rights
- Intellectual Property Arbitration
- Intellectual Property Enforcement
- Intellectual Property Infringement
- Intellectual Property Licensing
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Intellectual Property Portfolio Management
- Intellectual Property Procurement
- Intellectual Property Prosecution
- Intellectual Property Rights
- International Intellectual Property
- International Licensing
- Internet Intellectual Property
- Literary Property
- Mechanical Intellectual Property
- Medical Intellectual Property
- Merchandising
- New Media Law
- Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property
- Piracy
- Proprietary Rights
- Protection of Personality
- Foreign Asset Control
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
- Hague Convention Proceedings
- International Comparative Law
- International Conflict of Laws
- International Treaty Law
- United Nations Law
- Content Licensing
- Cybersquatting
- Digital Signatures
- Domain Name Infringement
- Domain Names
- E-Commerce
- E-Commerce Taxation
- Electronic Security
- Internet Crimes
- Internet Insurance
- Internet Liability
- Internet Licensing
- Internet Litigation
- Web Site Development
- Asia-Pacific Investment
- Capital Markets
- Consumer Financial Services
- Cross Border Investment
- Derivative Products
- Emerging Markets
- Financial Services Law
- Financial Services Regulation
- Foreign Investment
- Foreign Investment in the United States
- Hedge Funds
- Institutional Investment Law
- International Capital Markets
- International Investment
- International Venture Capital
- Investment Banking Law
- Investment Company Law
- Investment Fraud
- Investment in Eastern Europe
- Investment in Latin America
- Investment in Russia
- Investment Management
- Investment Partnerships
- Investment Regulation
- Mezzanine Finance
- Mutual Funds
- Political Risk Insurance
- Private Equity
- Syndication
- Trust Investment
- Venture Capital
- Affirmative Action
- Age Discrimination in Employment
- Civil Service
- Child Labor Law
- Collective Bargaining
- Confidentiality Agreements
- Administrative Law
- Administrative Litigation
- Federal Administrative Law
- Professional Licensing
- Admiralty and Maritime Law
- Advertising and Marketing
- Advertising Law
- Marketing Litigation
- False Advertising
- International Marketing
- Marketing Law
- Outdoor Advertising
- Aged and Aging
- Elder Abuse
- Elder Care
- Elder Law
- Agency and Distributorships
- Dealer and Distributor Termination
- Distribution Agreements
- Agricultural Law
- Agricultural Finance
- Agricultural Tort Claims
- Farm and Ranch Law
- Farm Equipment Liability
- Food and Agriculture
- Food Processing
- Irrigation Law
- Livestock Law
- Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act (MSPA)
- Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA)
- Stray Voltage Litigation
- Winery Law
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Dram Shop Liability
- Liquor Liability
- Liquor Licensing
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Arbitration
- International Arbitration
- Mediation
- American Arbitration Association
- Christian Mediation
- Christian Arbitration
- Animal Law
- Equine Law
- Veterinary Law
- Veterinary Malpractice
Additional Info
We view the issues facing our clients as our own and are dedicated to creating clients for life by achieving the best possible outcomes. To learn more about how we can help you protect your rights, contact us for a free initial consultation
Willis Law is a full-service business law firm. The firm's mission, modeled on a Christian model of service, requires it to continually provide an unparalleled level of legal service to its clients. The firm's lawyers and staff are dedicated to creating clients for life, and take client matters and cases personally. Servants and leaders for their clients, the firm is changing the way legal services are provided.
At Willis Law, we represent businesses and individuals throughout Southwest Michigan and the Lakeshore area in communities such as Kalamazoo, Paw Paw, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Battle Creek, Marshall, Holland, Grand Haven, St. Joseph, East Lansing, Mason, Wyoming, Portage, Centerville, Hastings and Cassopolis.
Firm's clients: Corporations, Businesses, Trade Organizations, Construction, Real Estate Investors and Developers, Non Profit Companies, Trusts, and Individuals.