- Taylor & White, Llp
- 401 B St Ste 2450
- San Diego, CA 92101
- (888) 653-9131
- (619) 231-8470
- http://www.taylorwhite-law.com
Area Practice
- Business & Transactional Counseling
- Corporations
- Partnerships
- LLCs
- Formation
- Mergers
- Acquisitions
- Dissolution
- Employment Relations
- Litigation
- Employment Agreements
- Corporate Governance
- Business Planning
- Family and Small Businesses
- Entrepreneurs
- Insurance Defense
- Professional Negligence
- Real Estate Brokers
- Mortgage Brokers
- Real Property
- Brokers
- Defense
- Broker/Agent Rights and Duties
- Disclosure Obligations
- Commission Disputes
- Commercial Leases
- Office, Commercial, Retail and Industrial
- Landlord/Tenant Disputes
- Assignments
- Guaranty
- Purchase Options
- Ground Leases
- Rights of First Refusal
- Subleases
- Construction
- Subcontractor Disputes
- Mechanic's Liens
- Surety Bonds
- Stop Notice
- Bid Proposals
- Conveyance
- Purchase and Sale Contracts
- Escrow Instructions
- Option Agreements
- Title Insurance
- Escrow
- Licensing
- Operations
- Escrow Disputes
- Foreclosures
- Non-judicial
- Judicial
- Receiverships
- Homeowners' Association (HOA)
- Construction Defects
- Relations with Developers
- Internal Organization and Operation
- Land Development
- Easements
- Construction Contracts
- CC&Rs
- Architectural and Engineering Contracts
- Equitable Servitude
- Licenses
- Premises Liability
- Surface Waters
- Landowner Obligations
- Landlord Obligations
- Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
- Tenant Obligations
- Claims
- Analysis
- Disputes
- Finance
- Conventional Lending and Borrowing
- Sale / Leaseback
- Guarantees
- Subordination and Partial Reconveyance
Additional Info
Aggressive and seasoned litigators
Taylor & White, LLP is an aggressive, innovative, AV®-rated boutique law firm that emphasizes the representation of individual and corporate clients in the areas of civil litigation, business counseling, business transactions, mergers and acquisitions, business work-outs, commercial and residential real estate, and real estate brokerage defense.
The firm practices in both the State and Federal Courts, and handles cases throughout northern and southern California. In addition, the firm handles mediations and arbitrations for its clients statewide.
In recognition of its achievements, the Firm has been awarded the distinguished AV®-rating by Martindale-Hubbell® Rating System, which is reserved for those law firms demonstrating the highest ethical standards and preeminent legal abilities.
The Firm's litigation practice consists primarily of representing defendants in business or real estate disputes, however, the Firm has vast experience in representing plaintiffs as well.
Taylor & White, LLP, is dedicated to the timely, personal and individual approach to handling its clients' legal matters, and that "client service first" principle has enabled the firm to enjoy strong, long-term client relationships.