- Taulbee, Rushing, Snipes, Marsh & Hodgin, Llc
- 12 Siebald St
- Statesboro, GA 30458
Area Practice
- Corporate Law
- Business Contracts
- Taxation
- Employee Benefits
- Wills
- Real Estate
- Probate
- Estate Planning
- Asset Protection
- Creditor's Rights
- Timber Law
- Zoning Law
- General Civil Practice
- False Claim Litigation
- Trucking Law
- Automobile Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect
- Slip And Fall
- Personal Injury
- Workers Compensation
- Products Liability
- Commercial Law
- Domestic Law
- Criminal Law
Additional Info
Attorneys At Law
Taulbee, Rushing, Snipes, Marsh & Hodgin, LLC has been one of the premier law firms in Southeast Georgia for three decades, serving the diverse legal needs of its people and businesses.
Our lawyers are all graduates from top schools in the southeast and hold degrees in engineering, accounting, and finance, as well as traditional pre-law majors. We are licensed to practice in Federal District and Appellate Courts, the State courts of Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, New York, Kentucky, the District of Columbia, and United States Tax Court.