- Starfield & Smith, P.c.
- 1300 Virginia Dr Ste 325
- Fort Washington, PA 19034
Area Practice
- Small Business Lending
- Commercial Loans
- Corporate Contracts
- Real Estate
- Buying and Selling of Businesses.
- Business Litigation
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Torts
- Banking Litigation
Additional Info
The attorneys of Starfield & Smith, P.C. provide quality legal services to lending institutions and other businesses. We are dedicated to a tradition of excellence in our work product and we are proud of our ability to respond efficiently to the needs of our clients, while maintaining the highest standard of integrity.
Starfield & Smith, P.C. is a law firm with national practices in the areas of small business lending and commercial transactions. The commercial loan department has closed thousands of small business loans for its lender clients, and assisted lenders with guarantee purchase matters, government investigations, eligibility determinations, and other regulatory work.
Starfield & Smith, P.C. has offices in suburban Philadelphia, PA, Orlando, FL and Irvine, CA.