- Spain & Gillon, L.l.c.
- The Zinszer Building, 2117 Second Avenue North,
- Birmingham, AL 35203
Area Practice
- Administrative Law
- Public Law
- Aged And Aging
- Age Discrimination
- Elder Law
- Agency And Distributorships
- Dealer And Distributor Termination
- Distribution Agreements
- Alcoholic Beverage Law
- Dram Shop Liability
- Liquor Liability
- Animal Law
- Veterinary Law
- Veterinary Malpractice
- Antitrust And Trade Regulation
- Deceptive Trade Practices
- Appellate Practice
- Civil Appeals
- Aviation And Aerospace
- Airplane Crash Litigation
- Aviation Accidents
- Aviation Defense
- Aviation Litigation
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Bankruptcy Mediation
- Bankruptcy Taxation
- Commercial Foreclosure
- Commercial Insolvency
- Commercial Recovery
- Commercial Workouts
- Consumer Bankruptcy
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Foreclosures
- Fraudulent Conveyance
- Out Of Court Debt Restructuring
- Personal Bankruptcy
- Workouts
- Workouts Taxation
- Banks And Banking
- Bank Foreclosures
- Commercial Loans
- Credit Insurance
- Loans
- Truth In Lending
- Business Law
- Business Arbitration
- Business Cooperatives
- Business Development
- Business Dissolutions
- Business Estate Planning
- Business Formation
- Business Litigation
- Business Mediation
- Business Organization
- Business Planning
- Business Reorganization
- Business Start-Ups
- Business Succession Planning
- Business Successions
- Business Taxation
- Business Transactions
- Business Transfers
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Buying And Selling Of Businesses
- Closely Held Business Estate Planning
- Closely Held Business Law
- Closely Held Business Taxation
- Cooperative Taxation
- Family Business Law
- Family Business Successions
- Joint Ventures
- Limited Liability Company Law
- Pass-Through Entities
- Professional Practices
- Sole Proprietorships
- Civil Practice
- Federal Civil Practice
- Class Actions
- Class Action Defense
- Collections
- Commercial Collections
- Garnishments
- Post Judgment Collections
- Secured Collections
- Unsecured Collections
- Commercial Law
- Commercial Arbitration
- Commercial Liability
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Transactions
- Commercial Transfers
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Conveyancing
- Commercial Real Estate Acquisitions
- Commercial Real Estate Bankruptcy
- Commercial Real Estate Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate Development
- Commercial Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure
- Commercial Real Estate Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Sales
- Commercial Real Estate Workouts
- Construction Law
- Construction And Surety Law
- Construction Arbitration
- Construction Claims
- Construction Contracts
- Construction Defects
- Construction Finance
- Construction Insurance Defense
- Construction Liability
- Construction Liens
- Construction Litigation
- Construction Mediation
- Construction Products Liability
- Contractor Performance Bonds
- Public Works
- Consumer Law
- Consumer Arbitration
- Consumer Class Actions
- Consumer Collections
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Litigation
- Contracts
- Breach Of Contract
- Commercial Contracts
- Contract Fraud
- Contract Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Closely Held Corporations
- Corporate Commercial Law
- Corporate Contracts
- Corporate Dissolutions
- Corporate Ethics
- Corporate Fiduciary Law
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Formation
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Income Tax
- Corporate Insurance
- Corporate Insurance Defense
- Corporate Litigation
- Corporate Organization
- Corporate Partnerships
- Corporate Planning
- Corporate Real Estate
- Corporate Reorganization
- Corporate Successions
- Corporate Tax Planning
- Corporate Taxation
- Family Corporations
- Incorporation
- Nonprofit Corporations
- Professional Corporations
- Public Corporations
- S Corporations
- Small Business Corporations
- Debtor And Creditor
- Creditors Rights
- Creditors Rights In Bankruptcy
- Debtor And Creditor Collections
- Debtor And Creditor Remedies
- Debtor And Creditor Reorganization
- Debtor And Creditor Rights
- Debtor And Creditor Workouts
- Debtors Rights
- Eminent Domain
- Condemnation
- Land Annexation
- Property Rights
- Employee Benefits
- Cash Balance Plans
- Cobra
- Deferred Compensation
- Employee Benefit Taxation
- Employee Benefit Trusts
- Employee Compensation
- Flexible Benefit Plans
- Health Benefits
- Pension And Profit Sharing Plans
- Pension Plans
- Pension Taxation
- Profit Sharing
- Qualified Retirement Plans
- Retirement Benefit Plans
- 401
- K Plans
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Cleanup
- Environmental Insurance
- Environmental Litigation
- Fraud And Deceit
- Civil Fraud
- Fraud
- General Practice
- Federal Practice
- Guardianship And Conservatorship
- Adult Guardianship
- Advance Directives
- Conservatorship
- Elder Guardianship
- Guardianship
- Guardianship Administration
- Housing Law
- Apartment Projects
- Housing Development
- Low Income Housing
- Multi-Family Housing
- Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Automobile Insurance
- Automobile Insurance Coverage
- Automobile Liability
- Casualty Insurance Subrogation
- Commercial Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Excess And Reinsurance
- Excess Coverage
- Extra Contractual Insurance Claims
- Fidelity And Surety
- Fidelity And Surety Bonds
- Fire Insurance
- Fire Insurance Subrogation
- Fire Loss
- First And Third Party Insurance
- First Party Insurance
- General Liability
- Indemnity
- Insurance Agents And Brokers Defense
- Insurance Agents And Brokers Errors And Omissions
- Insurance Agents
- Brokers
- Malpractice
- Insurance Arbitration
- Insurance Bad Faith
- Insurance Contracts
- Insurance Coverage
- Insurance Fraud
- Insurance Investigations
- Insurance Litigation
- Insurance Mediation
- Life And Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Personal Liability
- Property Damage
- Property Insurance Coverage
- Property Loss
- Property Subrogation
- Reinsurance
- Reinsurance Arbitration
- Reinsurance Mediation
- Surety Bonds
- Surety Law
- Unfair Insurance Practices
- Uninsured And Underinsured Motorists
- Uninsured And Underinsured Motorists Arbitration
- Insurance Defense
- Arson And Insurance Fraud
- Automobile Insurance Defense
- Automobile Insurance Fraud Defense
- Automobile Liability Defense
- Casualty Insurance Defense
- Commercial Insurance Defense
- Disability Insurance Defense
- Extra Contractual Insurance Defense
- Fire Insurance Defense
- General Liability Defense
- Insurance Bad Faith Defense
- Insurance Coverage Defense
- Insurance Defense Subrogation
- Insurance Fraud Defense
- Life Insurance Defense
- Personal Liability Defense
- Property Damage Defense
- Property Insurance Defense
- Labor And Employment
- Age Discrimination In Employment
- Civil Service
- Confidentiality Agreements
- Covenants Not To Compete
- Employee Discipline
- Employee Drug Testing
- Employer Liability
- Employer Rights
- Employment At Will
- Employment Contracts
- Employment Disability Discrimination
- Employment Discrimination
- Employment Law
- Employment Litigation
- Employment Mediation
- Employment Termination
- Equal Employment Opportunity Law
- Fair Labor Standards
- Family And Medical Leave Act
- Federal Employment Law
- Human Resources Law
- Management Employment Law
- Management Labor Law
- National Origin Discrimination
- Non-Compete Litigation
- Noncompetition
- Non-Solicitation
- Agreements
- Personnel Policies
- Personnel Training
- Public Sector Employment Law
- Public Sector Labor Relations
- Reductions In Force
- Restrictive Covenants
- Retaliatory Discharge
- Sexual Harassment
- Title Vii Discrimination
- Wage And Hour Law
- Warn Act
- Whistleblower Litigation
- Workplace Violence
- Wrongful Termination
- Wrongful Termination Defense
- Leases And Leasing
- Commercial Landlord And Tenant Law
- Commercial Leasing
- Evictions
- Landlord And Tenant Law
- Lease Terminations
- Litigation
- Civil Litigation
- Complex Litigation
- Defense Litigation
- Federal Civil Litigation
- Federal Litigation
- Trial Practice
- Mortgage Law
- Commercial Mortgages
- Mortgage Bankruptcy
- Mortgage Finance
- Mortgage Foreclosure
- Mortgage Lien Foreclosure
- Mortgage Refinancing
- Mortgage Workouts
- Negligence
- Negligence Defense
- Partnership Law
- Family Limited Partnerships
- Family Partnerships
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Partnerships
- Partnership Dissolution
- Partnership Formation
- Partnership Organization
- Partnership Taxation
- Probate
- Ancillary Probate
- Probate Administration
- Probate Litigation
- Products Liability
- Explosions
- Heavy Equipment Products Liability
- Manufacturers Liability
- Product Defects
- Product Failure
- Product Recall
- Product Safety
- Product Warning Labels
- Products Liability Defense
- Products Liability Mediation
- Professional Liability
- Agents And Brokers Errors And Omissions
- Agents And Brokers Liability
- Appraisers Liability
- Public Finance
- Community Development
- Economic Development
- Real Estate
- Adverse Possession
- Boundary Disputes
- Conveyancing
- Easements
- Historic Conservation Easements
- Land Acquisitions
- Land Sales
- Property Management
- Quiet Title
- Real Estate Acquisitions
- Real Estate Contracts
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Exchanges
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Foreclosure
- Real Estate Investment
- Real Estate Joint Ventures
- Real Estate Leasing
- Real Estate Litigation
- Real Estate Partnerships
- Real Estate Restructuring
- Real Estate Sales
- Real Estate Secured Lending
- Real Estate Tax Foreclosure
- Real Estate Tax Liens
- Real Estate Taxation
- Real Estate Title
- Real Estate Title Examination
- Real Property
- Real Property Acquisitions
- Real Property Development
- Real Property Finance
- Residential Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate Development
- Residential Real Estate Finance
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Right Of Way Easements
- Securities
- Private Placement
- Private Placement Syndication
- Securities Regulation
- Taxation
- Ad Valorem Tax
- Employment Tax
- Estate And Gift Taxation
- Federal Estate And Gift Taxation
- Federal Income Tax
- Federal Tax Controversies
- Federal Taxation
- Fiduciary Income Tax
- Generation Skipping Tax
- Income Tax
- Individual Taxation
- Like Kind Exchanges
- Low Income Housing Tax Credits
- State Taxation
- Tax Appeals
- Tax Audits
- Tax Deferred Exchanges
- Tax Law
- Tax Planning
- Trusts And Estates Taxation
- Torts
- Civil Liability
- Intentional Torts
- Mass Torts
- Tort Defense
- Tort Liability
- Toxic Torts
- Asbestos Defense
- Asbestos Litigation
- Chemical Exposure
- Latex Allergy Litigation
- Lead Poisoning
- Mold Litigation
- Pesticide Litigation
- Radiation Injury
- Silicosis Litigation
- Toxic Exposure
- Toxic Tort Class Actions
- Toxic Tort Defense
- Trusts And Estates
- Contested Trusts And Estates
- Decedents Estates
- Estate Administration
- Estate Bankruptcy
- Estate Litigation
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning For Parents Of Handicapped Children
- Estate Planning For The Disabled
- Estate Planning For The Elderly
- Estate Planning For Unmarried Couples
- Estate Settlements
- Family Trusts
- Family Wealth Transfer
- Fiduciary Law
- Fiduciary Liability
- Fiduciary Litigation
- Living Trusts
- Personal Planning
- Powers Of Attorney
- Special Needs Trusts
- Trust Administration
- Trust Law
- Trust Litigation
- Trust Planning
- Wealth Preservation
- Wills
- Contested Wills
- Inheritance
- Living Wills
- Successions
- Zoning Law
- Planning Law
- Land Use
- Building And Public Safety Codes
- Environmental Land Use
- Improvement Districts
- Land Conservation
- Land Development
- Land Entitlement
- Land Use Litigation
- Land Use Permitting
- Land Use Regulation
- Rezoning
- Special Districts
- Subdivisions
- Water Districts
- Zoning Variances
- Workers Compensation
- Workers Compensation Defense
- Legal Ethics And Professional Responsibility
- Attorney Discipline
- Attorney Errors And Omissions
- Mergers And Acquisitions
- Divestitures
- Business Acquisitions
- Business Divestitures
- Leveraged Buyouts
- Merger Reorganization
- Mergers And Acquisitions Finance
- Spin-Offs
- Nonprofit And Charitable Organizations
- Charitable Giving
- Charitable Organizations Law
- Charitable Trusts And Foundations
- Nonprofit Organizations Law
- Private Foundations
- Tax Exempt Organizations
Additional Info
Serving The State of Alabama
Spain & Gillon, L.L.C. was founded in Birmingham in 1912 and is one of the oldest law firms in Birmingham and in the State of Alabama.
Spain & Gillon, L.L.C. is involved in a general civil law practice which is divided into practice groups. The firm has broad experience in life and health insurance defense, casualty insurance defense, class action defense, products liability, securities defense, arbitrations, employment defense, workers' compensation and governmental law, commercial and general business work, bankruptcy, municipal and administrative law, human resources, ERISA, employee pension and retirement plans, corporate acquisitions, property acquisitions, estate planning and estate administration, business and individual tax planning, securities, real estate, loan closings, condemnation, zoning, land use and redevelopment, mortgage and bond financing, loan restructuring and workouts, and mortgage foreclosures. In addition, the firm offers Arbitration and Mediation services with several attorneys registered with the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution.