- Sirote & Permutt, P.c.
- 2311 Highland Avenue South,
- Birmingham, AL 35205
Area Practice
- Antitrust
- Appellate Practice
- Banking & Financial Institutions
- Bankruptcy & Creditor'S Rights
- Class Actions
- Collections
- Commercial Law
- Business Law
- Construction Law
- Copyrights & Technology
- Corporate & Securities
- Domestic Law
- Education Law
- Employee Benefits
- Environmental Law
- Natural Resources & Toxic Torts
- Estate Planning & Probate
- Governmental Affairs
- Health Care
- Insurance Law
- Intellectual Property
- Labor & Employment
- Litigation
- Landlord And Tenant Law
- Tenant Lawlaw
- Mediation
- Mergers And Acquisitions
- Mortgage Services
- Municipal Law
- Non-Profit
- Tax-Exempt Organizations
- Patents
- Pension & Profit Sharing
- Personal Injury
- Product Liability
- Public Finance
- Real Estate Development & Finance
- Tax Law
- Government Contract Law
- Workers' Compensation
- White Collar Criminal Defense
Additional Info
With 115 attorneys in five offices, Sirote & Permutt handles corporate transactions, business and financial services, estate planning and litigation on behalf of Fortune 500 companies, family-owned businesses and high net worth individuals.
Our professionals not only serve clients, but also the communities in which we live and work. "Sirote Supports" is an initiative that honors programs dedicated to health, education and the arts.
Since its founding in 1946, Sirote has developed strong client relationships by providing quality, sophisticated legal services.
The firm's long and impressive history began after World War II when Morris Sirote and Edward Friend, Jr. joined forces with James Permutt to establish a law office in Birmingham, Ala. Karl Friedman soon joined the group, and together these men built one of the Southeast's largest and most respected corporate law firms.
Sirote & Permutt represents clients throughout the United States from its offices in Birmingham, Huntsville and Mobile, Alabama and Fort Lauderdale and Pensacola, Florida.
Sirote is Alabama's only member of the Law Firm Alliance, an international association of more than 50 law firms, which by membership gives the firm access to high quality local experts throughout the world.