- Samuelson Law, Llc
- 2020 Pennsylvania Ave Nw
- Washington, DC 20006
- (202) 609-8486
- (240) 499-8939
- http://www.samuelson-law.com
Area Practice
- Real Estate
- Bankruptcy
- Commercial Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11
- Creditor Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Liquidations
- Debtor Bankruptcy
- Commercial Workouts
- Loan Workouts
- Lease Workouts
- Leases
- Evictions
- Internet Law
- Commercial Landlord and Tenant Law
- Commercial Foreclosures
Additional Info
Commercial Real Estate and Technology Transactions and Related Litigation. Business Bankruptcies.
Samuelson Law at a glance:
Samuelson Law is a boutique law firm that focuses upon handling commercial real estate and technology transactions, litigation, and bankruptcies and restructurings.
Primary practice areas: District of Columbia, Maryland and northern Virginia.
- This firm's real estate and bankruptcy work includes foreclosures, workouts, landlord/tenant, re-negotiations of leases, U.S. Government contracts and leases, subleases, real estate tax sales, evictions, limited liability company and partnership disputes and single asset real estate, Chapter 11 and other bankruptcies of real estate developers, small businesses, non-profits, trade associations and health care providers.
- Its philosophy is to try to resolve bankruptcies and other disputes, as much as possible, amicably through negotiations, from a long-term planning point of view. However, Ken was an Assistant Attorney General. Thus, this firm can litigate as and when necessary.
- Its primary practice locations are in Washington, D.C. and Maryland.
- Its founder, Ken Samuelson, has over 25 years of experience as lead counsel, including representing Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Government's Resolution Trust Corporation in various cases and transactions.
- Ken was elected to the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, is in Who's Who in American Law and graduated from the University of Michigan Law School as well as Magna cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pittsburgh. He has authored numerous articles and presented numerous programs, including before the Harvard Business School Club of Washington, D.C., the American Inns of Court, and the American Bar Association.
- Samuelson Law is a virtual, networked law firm, which means that it (a) keeps fees down by minimizing office overhead; and (b) teams with colleagues at other law firms (most of whom are similarly-situated former partners, and paralegals, of large law firms) with whom Ken has worked over the years, when and as needed for depth or local expertise.
- Samuelson Law handles certain matters on a fixed fee or partially contingent fee basis. Samuelson Law accepts VISA and MasterCard for certain payments.
- Regularly available 24/7/365, especially for West Coast and international transactions.