- Russell & Heffner Llc
- 153 W Patrick St Ste D
- Frederick, MD 21701
- (240) 415-9989
- (301) 695-0189
- http://www.russellandheffner.com
Area Practice
- Family Law
- Bankruptcy Law
- Personal Injury
- Wills
- Trusts & Estates
- Business
- Business Formation
- Motor Vehicle Offenses
- Real Estate
- Adoptions
- Alimony
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Divorce
- Divorce Mediation
- Foster Care
- Visitation Rights
- Spousal Support
- Legal Separation
- Child Protection
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Care
- Separation & Property Settlement Agreements
- Parenting Agreements
- Un-Married Partners
- Mediation
- Collaborative Family Law
- Domestic Partnerships
- Domestic Relations
- Appeals
- Protective Orders
- Peace Orders
- Post Nuptial Agreements
- Premarital Agreements
- Closings
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13
- Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Driving While Intoxicated
- Trust
- Estates
- Business Law
- Entrepreneurial Business Law
- Emerging Business Law
- Business Start-Ups
Additional Info
It's all about experience.
Russell & Heffner, LLC. The Law Offices of Russell & Heffner, LLC. are located in historic downtown Frederick, Maryland, near the Carroll Creek Linear Park and adjacent to Baker Park. Since 1988, the lawyers at Russell & Heffner have provided legal services to individuals, families and business owners throughout the Frederick community, as well as in Montgomery, Carroll and Washington counties. At Russell & Heffner, LLC. our attorneys provide clients with effective and professional legal representation, both in the courtroom and outside of it. We provide our clients with a comprehensive understanding of the legal system, the courts and their legal options.
All of our lawyers live and work in Frederick County and are members of the Frederick County and Maryland Bar Associations. Each of the partners in the firm has over thirty (30) years in practice and have extensive trial experience presenting cases before Judges and Masters and working with other local attorneys. We provide each client with the knowledgeable legal advice, personal attention and the aggressive representation they need to address their legal concerns.
Our Attorneys
J. Edgie Russell - EMAIL: [email protected]
Lawrence E. Heffner Jr. - EMAIL: [email protected]
Family Law - One of the primary areas of concentration in our practice, we understand the difficulties of separation and divorce, and the effect both on the parties and their children. For over 30 years, we have provided effective, yet compassionate, representation, as well as personal attention for families struggling through divorce, separation, custody disputes and issues related to child support, together with related litigation. We also provide mediation services and collaborative law.
Bankruptcy Law - Another of the primary areas of concentration in our practice. We provide knowledgeable legal assistance for clients looking to file for Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Initial bankruptcy consultations are FREE.
Personal Injury - We provide vigorous and professional assistance to help obtain recovery for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering or the loss of a loved on as the result of an automobile accident or the negligence of others. Initial Personal Injury consultations are FREE.
Wills, Trusts & Estates - Whether it is the preparation of a simple will or trust, or handling the estate of a loved one who has passed away, we can provide professional and cost effective services. Last Will and Testaments, Living Wills, Advanced Directives and Powers of Attorney, these are documents that can dispose of everything you have or make what are truly life and death decisions. Meet with one of our attorneys to go over your options and protect your loved ones.
Business and Business Formation. General Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, Joint Ventures, Corporations. Our attorneys can help with the selection and formation of the right business entity for you, as well as complying with important statutory requirements. After your business is formed, we can provide you with contracts and leases for the day to day running of your business and litigation support for collections and other litigation.
DUI, DWI and Motor Vehicle offenses. - We provide representation in motor vehicle offenses and help to protect your record and your right to drive.
Real Estate and Closings. The preparation of Deeds, Leases, Contracts for the Purchase or Sale of Land are just a few of the services we provide.
With over 30 years of legal experience, our seasoned attorneys have the knowledge, skills and resources to represent a variety of legal cases.
Contact Russell & Heffner, LLC. today at 301-695-2977, or browse the website for more information about our services. Evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.
Call 301-695-2977 today for your initial consultation!